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Many thanks Marie Gough for contacting me.  Seems we would be related?  I do know about and have a copy of the book written by Margaret Gannon and I have been in contact with her recently.  She was very helpful and agrees that it would be great to actually find out and be able to confirm where our ancestors lived and worked in Ireland.  I am hopeful that one day the mystery will be solved.  Please keep in contact with me as I am happy to share any information I may come across.  I do have the privilege of being in contact with a very helpful person in Ireland and she has been helping me search for the answers, I am planning to visit with her when we go to Ireland next year especially to try and follow up on our ancestors.  My husbands family appear to have come from County Cavan so will visit there as well.  Again many thanks for your thoughtfulness.  My email address is: 


Sunday 28th Sep 2014, 07:42PM

Message Board Replies

  • I too have John Dwyer/O'Dwyer in my family He was the father of my GGGrandmother Alice Dwyer/O'Dwyer who married on the 24 Jan 1866 at the time she was a minor and lived at Crobally. Alice and her husband James Power had my GGrandmother Bridgit in Waterford, Bridgit came to Brisbane somewhere prior to Nov 1890. I understand that Waterford and Tipperary are not too far apart, perhaps there is a connection here, if anything fits would like to follow up. Thank you Jan McGill


    Sunday 28th Sep 2014, 10:17PM
  • Dear Gillian
    Do you happen to know Marie's username on this site? If so could you email me at and I will contact her for you; she may not be aware this message it waiting for her

    Best wishes
    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Monday 29th Sep 2014, 07:37PM

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