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Greetings from Melbourne Australia - I am researching the Dwyer and Ryan families who are my mother's ancestry line.  I am particularly looking for information about Johannah and Jeremiah Ryan [said to be farmers and to have had an unknown number of sons] my great grandparents x 4 and their daughter Johannah [born in Clonoulty 1909] who married John O'Dwyer in 1825.  He was a widower with three children at the time John, Margaret and Mary.  Johannah and John O'Dwyer were set to immigrate to Sydney Town in 1852 when apparently John died [not yet confirmed].  Johannah is said to have proceeded to depart some weeks later maybe on the Beejapore from Liverpool on 12 October 1852 with her seven children plus at least two step children.  Children's names were Honora [Annie] b..1834, Catherine b.1837, Matthew b. 1838 [my great grandfather], Ellen b. 8th March 1840 in Aimul, Johannah b.1843, Bridget b.1847 and Joseph b.1850.  It is thought the two step children who her were John and Margaret.   Any information anyone has about these families would be greatly appreciated.  With thanks Gillian Clark


Sunday 13th Apr 2014, 05:25AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi  Gillian.  Searched  Clonoulty  register  in  National  Archives  yesterday  for  marriage  of  Johanna  Ryan  and  John  Dwyer,  1825/26/27,  couldent  find  it.  Will  look  up  graveyard  records  for  the  area  you  say  John  may  have  died  before  they  sailed.  Couldent  find  them  on  shipping  lists  of  Tipp  emigrating  to  AU,  either.  Will  do  more  research  on  this.  

    Best  of  luck  with  your  research  let  me  know  how  you  get  on.

    Christina,    Vol  Irelandxo.

    Christina, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 15th Apr 2014, 02:21PM
  • Many thanks Christina - It is all a bit of a mystery to me.  I have found the children's names I listed previously on an Assisted Immigrant list for NSW - they arrived on the Beejapore which departed from Liverpool it seems and arrived in Sydney on 6 Jan 1853.  Also listed are John age 36 and Judith [maybe Johannah?] age 38 and Julia age 24.  There is no record of Johannah - she would have been 44 yrs by that time.  She lived a long life in Aust and died at age 100 in 1909.  She is buried in the Eugowra, NSW cemetery so she must have come here sometime.  Her parents were Jeremiah and Johannah Ryan - she was thought to have some brothers but no further details to date.  I cannot find any record of her birth or marriage which does seem rather odd don't you think?   John O'Dwyer or Dwyer - his parents are said to have been John O'Dwyer 1780-1860 and Bridget [no other details found yet]  I would dearly love to find out more about this side of the family so any insights you may have will be greatly appreciated.  With many thanks Gill Clark  


    Friday 18th Apr 2014, 06:50PM
  • Hi Gillian,

    i am also related to this family. My grandfather, Matthew Dwyer, was the son of Matthew ( son of John, and one  of the children on the shipping list of the Beejapore) and Catherine Hurley. Several years ago there was a family reunion in Parkes NSW. A family history book had been written and was distributed there. I have a copy and could try to get one for you if you are interested . The lady who wrote it said that   it was difficult to find the information originally and the accuracy was questioned but never totally disputed. As there are more resources available now, the information in the book could be looked at more seriously.

    l hope this information is useful to you

    Marie Gough

    Sunday 28th Sep 2014, 01:34PM
  • Hi all,
    I also have (O')Dwyer and Ryan in my tree. My great grandfather was Daniel Ryan, married to Mary Devane in Sydney in 1867. Daniel's mother was Mary (O')Dwyer, I think, his father was James Patrick Ryan. Finding names is tough as there are so many people with the same name. Having trouble finding shipping details etc. Anyone with any info would be great.
    Marina Davis

    Wednesday 22nd Oct 2014, 05:30AM
  • Hi  Marina,   Do  you  think  your  O'Dwyer  and  Ryan  ancestors  are  the  same  as  Gillian's.

    I  found  a  Mary  DEVANN    on  Peter  Maddens  shipping  list  in  1860  aged  18  from  Clonispoe,   Clonispoe  is  in  Parish  of  Knockavilla  and  about  two  miles  from  Dundrum  Village.  Her  voyage  was  paid  for  by  Mary  Ryan.  Is  this  your  ancestor.  Did  you  manage  to  get  death  certs  for  them,  if  you're  lucky  I  believe  it  can  say  where  they  were  from.

    As  you  probably  know  Ryan  and  Dwyer  were  the  most  plentiful  names  in  Tipperary  still  are.    Daniel  would  have  been  a  scarce  name  which  will  be  a  help  to  you.,

    Best  of  luck  with  your  research  .  Let  me  know  how  you  get  on.

    God  bless  and  kindest  regards.

    Christins,  Vol  Irelandxo.

    Christina, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 25th Oct 2014, 12:30PM
  • Hello and greetings to all who have contributed to this thread.  We have just left Ireland having spent some time staying in Cashel and visiting Clonoulty on a number of occasions.  Unfortunately no further ahead with discovering which Dwyer/Ryan family is the correct one for my family history story.  We also visited the National Library in Dublin and found a most helpful genealogist there who searched a number of different options but to no avail.  I am also searching the newly released parish records but no luck yet.  I do have some other contact information but will need to write to these so that is a job for when we get back home in October.  One thing to say is that with all our searching we did not find anything to reject the Beejapore story so maybe it will stand the test of time? In any event we had a wonderful time in Tipperary and thoroughly enjoyed rolling around the area and visiting the wonderful Bru Bren (hope I have that correct!) display and the Rock of Cashel plus the museum. Wonderful and enthralling history of the area.  Now in Scotland where my paternal grandparents came from and have managed to locate birth and marriage records for one side and heading to Dumbarton today to look for foe other side of the family.  Along the way ........... Gill Clark


    Sunday 16th Aug 2015, 03:47AM

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