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In researching the Ryan's and Burke's of Caher I have been using the 1901/1911 census and attempting to locate the modern day street names.

The names have obviously changed and I was wondering if there is a listing of old/new street namesvor even an old street map that I could use in conjunction with Google Maps.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Dick Richards




Sunday 3rd Mar 2013, 02:43PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dick,

    If you contact the tipperary libraries or go to their website, their local studies dept may be able to help you there.


    Anne K Dennehy

    Sunday 3rd Mar 2013, 05:16PM
  • Thanks Anne, I'll followup on your suggestion.



    Monday 4th Mar 2013, 05:15AM
  • Thanks Anne, I'll followup on your suggestion.



    Monday 4th Mar 2013, 05:15AM
  • Hi Tom, thank you so much for this information.

    I was after Wellington Street and Chapel Street and now I know where they are.

    Tonight I hope to reply to all the help you have given me on the Ryan's of Caher on the other message string.

    Thanks again!


    Thursday 7th Mar 2013, 05:27PM
  • Hi Tom,

    Thanks again for the helpful links!

    Is there a way I can identify the houses from the 1901/1911 census to a location today? For example Thomas Ryan is shown in 1901 as resident in house 27 on Wellington Street. Where is that house on Pearse Street (renamed from Wellington Street) today.

    Hope you can help again.



    Friday 29th Mar 2013, 07:51PM
  • Thank you Tom!

    This is where local knowledge wins out.

    We're hoping to visit Cahir later in the year so it will be good to find Thomas Ryan's house on Pearse Street. I'll let you know how we get on.

    Thanks again.


    Sunday 31st Mar 2013, 06:04PM
  • Sorry to hijack an old thread but I noticed a name which caught my attention. I'm new to this forum also so am unsure how best to use it. My question is directed at Tom as he seems to know of Mr Neary on Wellington Street. This name has cropped up in my family tree - 1911 cenus Thomas Neary (originally from Kilkenny). I've never been able to trace him beyond this census record. Do you know whether this Neary family remained in the town/locality? Any information would be a great help! Thank you!

    Friday 10th Jul 2015, 11:40PM

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