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I am looking for any information on John Lee of Barna Pallasgreen who married Hanora O Dwyer c1800. John died of cholera c1826. Hanora was evicted by the landlord and she moved to Tour Newport Co Tipperary with her family to her sister or cousin Margaret? who was married to John Kennedy of Tour Newport. John Kennedy gave her some waste or commonage land to rear her family. They had 5 boys and 3 girls that I know off. The boy?s names were Robert, Patrick, John, Daniel and Michael. I don?t know the girls names. John and Daniel were baptised in Templebraden Catholic Church in 1811 and 1815. Michael was baptised in 1826 in Newport Catholic Church. She might have been pregnant with Micheal when they moved. I am trying to find the name of the landlord in the Pallasgreen at that time that would have evicted them? The birth dates of Robert and Patrick? I presume they were older than John and Daniel as I could not find them in the baptismal records in Templebraden Church records. I have no information on Honora O Dwyer, would like to get some information on her side of the family? Also I would like to find out more about John Kennedy and his wife in Tour Newport and the names John and Hanora?s daughters? I know it?s a lot to ask but any info would be grateful


Tim Lee.

Wednesday 6th Nov 2013, 12:41PM

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  • Tim:

    I have been gathering Kennedy family info in the Toor area for a number of years. I went back and took a quick look at Mons Kennedy's book. He mentions the Lee family in a couple of places including their move from Pallas (page 27) that you mentioned. Also on page 11 the Monsignor mentions O'Dower (Dwyer) as an early family in Foilduff.

    Looking at the 1860's school records in the book there are a number of Lee girls from Toor (Bridget, Mary, Ellen) but the dates/ages don't seem to fit as being John & Hanora's daughters - they look like a generation later! Page 22 mentions a Robert Lee, married to Alice McCormack, living at Knocknamoheragh. Is this Robert the son of John & Honora and they are Roberts daughters at the Toor school?

    John Kennedy took over the Toor house/property from his father (Long Andrew) about 1824 and the Mons book mentions the farm was later divided among John's three children. Was this the John Kennedy that assisted the Lee widow & children? My notes indicate this John Kennedy was married to Mary Malony - not a 'margaret'.

    Pat Morgan -Tucson Arizona


    Wednesday 6th Nov 2013, 08:47PM
  • Hi Pat

    Thank you for responding to my post. The book you refer to was written by my uncle Monsignor Roger Kennedy. That is where I have got a lot of information to date. You are right he said in the book that the Lee?s came from Pallasgreen and in his notes he gives more detail that they came from Barna. Hanora O Dwyer is not the same family as the O Dwyer?s in Foilduff. I know she came from Pallasgreen.

    Robert Lee married twice, his first wife was Alice McCormack and they had 2 children Ellen and John. His second wife was Mary Madden from the Silvermines and they had 6 children with 2 Michael?s and 2 Marys in the family, some of them must have died before the others were born. I can?t get any death certs for them. The second John in Robert?s second family was my Grandfather.

     John Kennedy has me baffled for years and who his wife might be. I think you are right they must be the Long Andrew Kennedys. In Michael Lee?s baptismal record in 1826 the sponsors were John Kennedy and Margaret Kennedy. I don?t know if they were husband and wife or brother and sister or no relation to each other at all.



    Thursday 7th Nov 2013, 01:22AM
  • Hello Tim and Pat - I cannot answer Tim's questions, and I know this might be a long shot...but one of my ancestors was Michael Lee who was from Tipperary and born in 1826.  He married Nora/Hanora Crowley from County Cork and they emigrated to the US in the late-1840s.  Not sure how they survived that journey - I have a copy of the ship register and over a third of the passengers died during the voyage. Anyway, they settled in Pennsylvania.  We have no idea where our Michael Lee lived in County Tipp we only know his birth year and that he was from the County.  Please get back to me if you would like additional info - my email address is

    Thanks, Karen McElrath   

    Wednesday 25th Jun 2014, 06:08AM
  • Hi Tim,

    Patrick Lee was my great great grandfather and I believe he is the brother of your great grandfather Robert Lee. Patrick Lee married Winifred Carr and they lived in Toor. Patrick and Winifred had nine children including Bridget, Mary and Ellen who were mentioned as attending school in Toor in the 1860s. Their two eldest children were called Hanora and John. Their son Edmond was my great grandfather. I had heard from my father that one of the Lee ancestors was Protestant and from a well-off family but was disinherited after marrying a Catholic. Do you know if there was a link between John Lee from Barna and the Protestant Lee family from Barna? The link below tells a story of an Edward Lee of Barna who was disinherited and I wondered if you knew if there was a connection. Do you have any information on the other siblings of Patrick and Robert?


    Una Costello



    Monday 5th Jun 2017, 11:48AM

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