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In Australia my great-grandparents (and their descendants) were buried with the surname Marlan; however, when they arrived in Australia on 25 November 1852 (on the barque "John Gray") their surname was recorded as Marlin; it was also recorded that my great-grandfather (John) was aged 27 and had been born at Borisokane (sic), County Tipperary, and that my great-grandmother (Elizabeth, nee Leahy) was aged 30 and had been born in Alkrone, County Tipperary; they were accompanied by their two children (Bridget, aged 5, and infant Thomas; Catherine, aged 2, had died during the voyage).

I'm seeking any information about these people, whether from Ireland or from Australia.

I'd also like to know where Alkrone is so that I can visit when I'm in Ireland in 2014.

I am the great-grandson of John & Elizabeth (nee Leahy) Marlin who emigrated from Tipperary to Australia, arriving on 25 Nov 1852. They initially settled near Kiama in the Illawarra Region of what was then the Colony of New South Wales.

Saturday 7th Dec 2013, 03:01AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi

    Marlin/Marlan not a familar name in Borrisokane there were some in Thurles a town approx 20 miles away.

    The name you have Alkrone could possibly refer to Ardcroney a village near Borrisokane and from the 1901 census there were Leahy's still living there will send you link.

    Will check further on Marlin name.

    Rgds Bill.…

    Terryglass55, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 7th Dec 2013, 08:02PM
  • Many thanks, Bill. I suspect that you're correct - that my great-grandmother's birthplace was really Ardcroney, which was incorrectly recorded as Alkrone by colonial authorities in the Colony of New South Wales.

    So far as the Marlin name is concerned, there may be another answer. There is some suggestion that an Elizabeth Leahy married a John MARTIN in the Cloughjordan RC church in about 1847. This would be about the time that my great-grandparents would have married, so it could be them. In which case, "MARLIN" could be an error!

    The only other relevant information that I have is that, according to my great-grandfather's Death Certificate, his father's name was Thomas.

    Any further light you can shed will be most welcome.


    Bernie Brown

    I am the great-grandson of John & Elizabeth (nee Leahy) Marlin who emigrated from Tipperary to Australia, arriving on 25 Nov 1852. They initially settled near Kiama in the Illawarra Region of what was then the Colony of New South Wales.

    Sunday 8th Dec 2013, 05:00AM
  • Bill, I should have added that, according to my great-grandmother's Australian Death Certificate, her father was Michael Leahy and her mother was Katherine Olive Leahy.


    Bernie Brown

    I am the great-grandson of John & Elizabeth (nee Leahy) Marlin who emigrated from Tipperary to Australia, arriving on 25 Nov 1852. They initially settled near Kiama in the Illawarra Region of what was then the Colony of New South Wales.

    Tuesday 10th Dec 2013, 10:22PM
  • Just a brief comment - Peter Madden's Tipperary Emigrant database gives the same information as you have given with John Marlin's (or Martin?)  parents as Thomas and Bridget both dead by 1852.

    You may be interested in looking at the website


    Just had alook at and there is a baptism for a John Martin of Borrisokane 16 Sep 1822 Father Thomas Martin Mother Bridget Howe- could be a possibility.



    Clare Tuohy

    Sunday 15th Dec 2013, 07:19PM
  • Many thanks, Clare; every little helps!


    Bernie Brown

    I am the great-grandson of John & Elizabeth (nee Leahy) Marlin who emigrated from Tipperary to Australia, arriving on 25 Nov 1852. They initially settled near Kiama in the Illawarra Region of what was then the Colony of New South Wales.

    Wednesday 18th Dec 2013, 10:44PM
  • Bernard, I have been following the threads in your ancestral search with interest.Since you posted your first enquiry I have been making enquiries around the Ardcroney / Borrisokane area and I am now pretty sure that there was indeed a Marlin family living in this area. I have come across a lady who still refers to a field as Marlin's field. She remembers a little stone house in that field-unfortunately the house has been demolished. There are still quite a few Leahys living in the Ardcroney area so we will continue to do some research here to establish if any of these people are related to you.I'll get back to you in 2014 when hopefully I might have some more information for you. Best wishes for the New Year, Tom Kennedy.

    Friday 27th Dec 2013, 12:38PM
  • Happy 2014, Tom!

    What a fantastic piece of forensic investigation. It would be great if some of my (distant) relations are still around; it would be even better if, when my wife & I are in the Borrisokane area in mid/late April this year, I could meet up with any of them, especially any who have an interest in family history. Any suggestions?


    Bernie Brown

    I am the great-grandson of John & Elizabeth (nee Leahy) Marlin who emigrated from Tipperary to Australia, arriving on 25 Nov 1852. They initially settled near Kiama in the Illawarra Region of what was then the Colony of New South Wales.

    Thursday 23rd Jan 2014, 01:31AM
  • Bernard, Check your private e-mail ac for some correspondence from me. Tom Kennedy

    Tuesday 28th Jan 2014, 10:34AM
  • Hi Bernard,
    My name is Frank Griffin.I only recently discovered your post about Elizabeth Marlan.
    My great great grandmother is Catherine Leahy.Her parents were Michael Leahy and Catherine Oliver from Tipperary.
    Catherine emigrated to Victoria and married Patrick Griffin.
    Catherine had a brother called John that married Catherine Griffin(Patrick's sister).They also emigrated to Victoria.
    I guess that means we're related through Michael and Catherine Leahy!
    I'd love to find out more about the Leahy family.Did you make it to Ardcroney?
    Hope to hear from you
    Frank Griffin

    Frank Griffin

    Sunday 11th Jun 2017, 05:30AM

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