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I am looking for any information on the Carroll Family in Ballylooby/ Tubrid. My Ancestor James Carroll with his wife Mary Pennner and 7 children lived in this area around the 1820's. 

Regards Sue

Tuesday 2nd Aug 2016, 11:02AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Sue . . Welcome to I.R.O. . . . Tipperary . . .

    Working with the sketchy info. you give . . . here's what I have found . . . 

    There are two Ballylooby's . . one in Tipperary South . . the other in Limerick County . .  . . . . . . .

    Neither of these townslands appear to show up in our National Census's . . . 


    Next I searched our National Census (1901) . . for any sign of the names Carroll / Penner . . with little success . . . 

    Carroll's in great abundance . . yes. . . in Tipperary County . . . but . . what townsland ???


    Then I found in Griffiths Valuation 1847 - 1863 . . . James Carroll in " Templetenny" . . a tax paying land holder . . . . . . 

    This townsland would be close to Ballylooby, Tipperary.


    Next I searched for the Surname ' Penner ' . . . 

    Griffiths Valuation shows only ONE location for that name . . . north . . in County Mayo . . .


    Tubrid . . . shows up in Kerry County . . . .

    Carroll's . . . do show up in Tubrid. Co.Kerry . . . in the 1901 Census…


    The Carroll;s of Kerry . . . in Griffiths . . . 


    All very confusing . . . but . . . maybe something may come out of the above . . .  hopefully . . . 


    Come back to us if you have some further thoughts . . . . 

    and hopefully we . . in I.R.O. . . . may have a volunteer closer to Ballylooby . . than I am . . 

    Cheers . . . Eamonn.




    Eamonn M. Horan, Volunteer Ireland Reaching Out ☘️

    Tuesday 2nd Aug 2016, 02:08PM
  • Thank You Eamonn

    Thank You for the quick reply and for looking the information up for me. I was just "dipping my toes in the water" to see if any Carroll members wanted to reply but your reply is much better! I look forward to looking up the information you sent. Regards Sue

    Wednesday 3rd Aug 2016, 09:51PM
  • Hi Tom, Thanks for your reply and don't worry, i do incoherent well myself at times!....I happen to be lucky enough to have a copy of the Spring Assizes in the Tipperary Free Press 1827 showing my GGGG grandfather James Carroll was tried with two others(Denis McDermot and Patrick Morrissey) for sheep stealing and sentenced to death. The trial was held 7th April in Tipperary (Clonmel i presume) Lucky for me it was transmuted to life in Australia. James applied twice (1832 & 1838) to the government to have his wife and children shipped to Australia. From these documents i found out his wife and children's names. The children were Ellen b 1809 at Kilmoylan she married  Maurice Connors while still in Ireland, Bridget(Biddy) b1812, Jeremiah (Darby) b 1814, Mary b 1816, Thomas b 1818 at Holy Cross Tipperary he also married in Ireland Mary Mackie/ Makin or some such, James b 1820, Edmond b 1822.       There are letters re Mary and children's transport.  In one letter it states that Mary Penner is a "person of no certain place of residence" in 1840. I guess she moved around her married children's houses. Mary was given passage in steerage on the womens convict ship Mexborough that departed Kingston, Dublin 12th August 1841. One ships documents stated she was residing near Cahir. Also with her were Mary (was this Penners daughter or Thomas' wife) and Jane Carroll (was this Thomas and Marys Makins daughter)? I still have no idea. The boys Thomas, Edmond and James came on the Prince Regent 2 which sailed from Dublin and arrived in Australia 3rd Jan 1842. Jeremiah i have no idea about at all. Poor Family, it took 25 years for James and Mary Penner to be reunited.Ellen came to Australia in1852 on the David McIvor. I have been digging for years to get so much information and i still have not found Jeremiah and i am not sure about Mary the daughter. I would love to find some birth certificates for the children, or any information about them at all really. Thanks again for your interest. Regards Sue



    Saturday 6th Aug 2016, 10:35AM
  • Thanks Tom

    "Bally Luby" was written on the applications as place of residence in both 1832 and 1838. I failed to mention James was a farm servant on his records and he was placed in a farm over here. He stayed with the same family for the whole term of his sentence. I guess they were happy with him and his work and he didnt get into anymore mischeif or there would be a record of it.

    What a shame there are no birth records for the children, i should'nt be surprized, it has been a struggle to find anything out about my Carroll family. Right from the start when no one spoke up about there being a convict  and i thought James Snr must have come from outer space! He was only a name on a death certificate for a long time untill i stumbled on James the convict and matched all the information up. Now he feel like a close member of the family to me.

    Unfortunately when i opened the file for Carroll Kilmoyler Australia it was full of my post, i think that goes under the heading of "how to keep a fool in suspence"? lol

    Ned Kellys grandfather sounds like he could have hung out with my James!  I love family history, its just so interesting.

    Cross fingers we can track down some information on those children... Regards Sue



    Monday 8th Aug 2016, 10:16PM

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