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Searching for parents of John Farrell. John came to Boston in 1853 on the ship Parlliament. His birthdate would be about 1833 as the ship records state he is 20 years old. He was married to Honora Kelly ( my gr. gr. grandmother, but not sure where that took place. He settled awhile in Cincinnati, Ohio and Lowell, Massachusetts. He and Hanora had a daughter Margaret in 1855 in Lowell but she was trying to find him. Got all the info about his parish from a posting she made trying to locate him. Any help on his family left in Ireland would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much, Donna 


Sunday 6th Apr 2014, 11:40PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi I am looking at old queries and sticking with 1833 there are two baptisms in Tipperary., 3 in 1834, none in 1832, some parishes may not have records sas we have to rely on church reocrds, but not near where you specified, the closest is the parish of Youghalarra, area Youghal, (Not the town on the COrk / Waterford border where Sir Walter Raleigh once lived)  and the baptism is on the 25th March 1833, father Michael and mother Margaret Mulcahy, the other is in Lorrha parish on the 23rd August 1833, father Timothy and Mother Margaret Carter, you can read the parish registers here but only search by date and event. 



    Pat O Holloran, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Friday 15th Mar 2024, 11:57PM

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