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Looking for info, living cousins to contact or anything about Martin Lonergan and Catherine Lyons of Clonmel.

I believe they had 10 children Mary/Maria (1869); Patrick (1871); Martin (1873); Bridget (1875); Michael (1877); Catherine (1879); Margaret (1881); John (1883); Bridget (1885); and Thomas (1887). Though the date for Mary does not line up perfectly.

4 Children emigrated to Oil City, Pa, USA

Patrick Bernard Lonergan born 1871 Mary Lonergan married a Powers 1871-1938 Margaret 'Maggie' Lonergan married a Markley born 1881 died before 1910 Beatrice 'Bridget' Lonergan married a Moffett born 1885/1886 died 1958

Bridget emigrated in 1906 and her marriage certificate lists parents as Martin or Cornelius Martin Lonergan and Catherine Lyons and both are deceased by 1915.

Mary Powers obit in 1938 stated that she had 1 sister (Bridget Moffett of Oil City) and 3 brothers and 1 Sister in Ireland still alive.Ireland Reaching Out -

Wednesday 3rd Apr 2013, 02:18AM

Message Board Replies



    Thank you for your message.

    Civil registration began in Ireland in 1864 so you should be able to find records of any births, deaths or marriages that occurred in the family after this date. These records are available from the GRO in DUblin here is their website:

    Indexes to these records are available up until 1958 online. You could try searching these to see if you can find any information on the siblings that remained in Ireland.

    You could also try looking in church records to see if you can find Martin and Catherine?s birth record or marriage record so that you can trace the family further back. Most Catholic records are held locally so you may need to write to the local parish priest for possible assistance. One website that you may find useful is the Irish Times where they give an overview of what records are available in specific parishes. It also shows you where copies of the records are available. For Clonmel parish, follow this link:

    Most surviving Church of Ireland records are still held by the local clergy, although some are in the National Archives of Ireland and others are in the Representative Church Body Library in Dublin. Here are their websites: and

    Lists of these surviving registers can also be found at the National Library of Ireland.

    Have you tried looking at the 1901/1911 census records to see if you can find record of those family members at the time? These records can give lots of useful information and can be searched online at

    It may also be an idea to contact the South Tipperary family history centre for assistance, however a fee may apply. Here is their email:

    I hope some of this is helpful. Please be patient - as our programme has only begun to rollout across the island of Ireland and volunteers in some areas may not yet be organized.

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support

    Monday 20th May 2013, 02:36PM
  • Hello Ben,

    I went to and put in the information yougave. I looked for the birth record of Mary, father martin and mother catherine lyons.

    I found one record in Co. Tipperary.  When I went to the county genealogy centre(left side of page) I was able to click on the Parish/Districd dropdown menu and search each parish one by one.  I found that Mary was baptised in the parish of Ardfinnan.  I tried a couple more and found that they too were baptised in Ardfinnan.


    Mary Lonergan b.1869  Ardfinnan

    Most people when they were asked at port of arrival where they came from gave the name of the nearest large town which would have been Clonmel.   Ardfinnan is a lovely village about 8 miles from Clonmel and it is there that you will probably find your family.

    You will need to view this record (about €5) to see if it yields more information on parents address.  These are church records.

    If you go to and apply for Mary's birth certificate it will give you much more information about the family.  You have all the required information to order the cert.   Name, parents names, date of baptism, area.

    I hope this is of some use to you.  You should follow this up as there are a number of Lonergan families living in Ardfinnan.





    Thursday 23rd May 2013, 06:29PM
  • Thank you all for your help.


    Thursday 23rd May 2013, 10:29PM
  • Thank you all for your help.


    Thursday 23rd May 2013, 10:30PM

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