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Wanting information re Patrick James Mulvaney b ~1845.  son of George b 1816 and Mary(Ann)

Emigrated to USA; arrived NYC aboard George Marsden 1848

Later married Mary Kehoe(Kehough) b`1845 in Providence RI USA

Joan P Miller

Wednesday 27th Aug 2014, 08:35PM

Message Board Replies

  • Afternoon

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Have you already looked at the records on and/or (a subscription site) for further info on the family?

    Do you know what religion the family were?

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support  

    Monday 1st Sep 2014, 03:29PM
  • Looking for information on Adam Mulvaney born Nov. 1828, somewhere in Ireland.
    Went to USA approx. in the year of 1844.
    Settled in Pennslvania, married Mary Waterson.
    Died in 1904

    Wednesday 24th Sep 2014, 10:21PM
  • yes I have looked in those sites and I'm at a stand still

    Wednesday 24th Sep 2014, 10:23PM
  • Dear Joan
    As you post is a separate query to SissyBiff's above, could you post in a fresh message so that our volunteers will be able to see and assist where possible?

    Best wishes
    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Monday 29th Sep 2014, 07:15PM
  • Hello

    Is this ancestor from Sligo or do you have any further infromation?




    Monday 6th Oct 2014, 09:54PM
  • Hello,
    I read your message on the Ireland XO website and I wanted to check of you thought your ancestors were from Templeboy, Co. Sligo? You have the message posted to the Templeboy message board and I just wondered if you had any more information to try to trace them?



    Tuesday 27th Jan 2015, 10:39AM

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