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I am trying to find out if my great grandparents were married in Ireland or after they arrived in America. They were both born in Skreen, James Killgallon and Bridget( aka Delia) Cawley. They came to America in the 1880's , but unsure of the exact date. They did have a son here in 1887. I have not been able to find a marriage record here, so hoping to find it in Ireland. I do believe they lived in Sligo, most likely Skreen before coming. I also would like to find out about their immigration date and ship.


Sunday 27th Apr 2014, 05:31PM

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  • Meg:

    I looked through the civil marriage indexes and could not locate a marriage record for a James Kilgallon (and variants) to a Bridget or Delia Cawley. There was an 1872 marriage of a James Kilgallon and one of the four females spouses on the page of registration was a Mary Cawley. However, this marriage was in the Tobercurry registration district instead of the Dromore registration district which includes Skreen.

    I took a quick look of the 1901 census for Skreen civil parishes and there were a number of Kilgallen/Kilgallon households in the parish so Skreen looks like the correct parish.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 27th Apr 2014, 11:13PM
  • Roger,


    thank you very much for your search. Maybe it was just recorded in the church, or they may even have been married in America, although they both came from Skreen, so that is what made me think they may have been married there.



    Tuesday 29th Apr 2014, 11:06PM
  • I am helping a cousin research her Kilgallon ancestor, Patrick Kilgallon (B. c.1865), son of Henry and Bridget nee Feeny.  The only information we have to go in is Patricks marriage registration to Mary Theresa Fitzgerald in 1883 in Quebec, Canada which listed his parents names and that they where from Sligo.

    I am an leaning towards Skreen for info on Patrick and / or the ancestral grandparents despite very few records for Henry and Bridget, most records show an Andrew and Bridget .... could Henry and Andrew be one in the same?

    If anyone is out there that can shed light on Henry and Bridget would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Cherie



    Saturday 3rd Dec 2016, 12:52AM

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