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Hi. I am searching for members of the ward family living in Sligo town. My wife Kathleen was born in Dublin 12//4/1948 her mother gave birth in Dublin on her way to England but took athleen back to Sligo town and left her with her grandmther, she sent for her to go to England in 1953. she as not been bac since and would like to know if she as any living relatives. she stayed with her grandma and uncles &aunts. Francis. Jimmy. Tommy. Kitsy Pauline .una maureen Rita Philis & Vera.                                     thanks John Woodhead on behalf of Kathleen Woodhead nee Ward.


Wednesday 9th Jul 2014, 07:15PM

Message Board Replies

  • John:

    Check the online Irish phonebook  residential and business. Not all phone numbers are in the book.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 9th Jul 2014, 08:09PM
  • Hello Kath

    I was talking to my daughter yesterday evening about our family and decided to to check out a few websites and came across this one with your request.  My mother is Una and I'm her son unfortunately over time many members have passed away, uncle Francis, Jimmy, Tommy, kitsy, Pauline, aunty Rita Maureen and Vera.  My mother is alive and well along with my auntie Philis.  Feel free to contact me,

    kind regards


    Sunday 26th Nov 2017, 11:05AM

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