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I am searching for records of my Great Grandfather John McGuinn born in 1856 in Tobercurry (albeit the records appear to show Tubbercurry) and my Great Grandmother Mary McGuinn (nee O'Hara)  also born in Tobercurry in 1857.  

He was a blacksmith and moved to England around 1881 at the age of 25 with his wife Mary and the 1881 English Census shows them living in Shipley, Near Bradford West Yorkshire with their then 2 sons John born in 1877 and Dennis born in 1879.

I would like to establish birth & marriage records and locate where they were born in Sligo so that on my next visit to my Sister in Fermoy I can visit Sligo and complete this missing link with my ancestry.

Any help will be greatfully appreciated.

Monday 21st Jul 2014, 10:11AM

Message Board Replies

  • Michael:

    Tobercurry/Tubbercurry is in Achonry civil parish. The church records for that area start late (1859, 1865 and 1867) for the three churches so the baptismal records for John and Mary are likely not available.

    I searched for a civil marriage index record for John and Mary with no success. The closest I found was an 1872 marriage between Mary O'Hara and John McNulty.

    Was it possible they were married in England?

    I also could not find a 1877 birth record for John or an 1879 record for Denis. Were they born in England?

    I did look at the 1858 Griffiths Valuation head of household listing for Achonry civil parish and the McGuinns seem to be clustered in two townlands-- Curry and Bunnacranagh. 

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 21st Jul 2014, 04:28PM
  • Roger

    Many thanks for the information you have provided.  I note that records did not start until after my Great Grandparents were born.  What a shame.

    I will check to see if they were married in England and if their children were all born in England.  I know their third child, my Grandfather Michael, was definitely born in England so there is a possiblity that John and Denis were too.

    The info you provided regarding the parish of Achonry will help me concentrate my search.

    Once again many thanks and if I need further information I will contact you again.

    Many thanks.





    Monday 21st Jul 2014, 09:13PM
  • Roger

    I followed up your suggestion (despite what my Father told me to the contrary) and checked to see if my Great Grandparents were married in England.  They were and I have ordered a copy of the marriage certificate.

    Many, many thanks for your help.  It is greatly appreciated.

    Michael McGuinn

    Tuesday 22nd Jul 2014, 07:28PM

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