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I am looking for information on my family from sligo. All i know is that there names were samuel and jane downey and they had 3 kids and one was named david downey. I also know that they left ireland in 1834.

Saturday 26th Jan 2013, 04:51PM

Message Board Replies

  • That is good information to start with.  Do you know where they settled when they emigrated?

    Mike Feerick

    Sunday 27th Jan 2013, 11:21PM
  • Disclaimer: I am a professional genealogist and help out on this site when/where I can but will also gladly accept commissioned research


    Hi there

    I can see the family arrived in NY 29th May, 1834 with David, James and Thomas.It doesn't give any details of where they came from in Sligo. There are some things we can look at but it might be more beneficial to understand a little more about the family in the US and search sources there for any clues before searching Irish records.






    Wednesday 30th Jan 2013, 12:38PM

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