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Hi All,

I am new to this site and hoping that someone can help me trace information about my Ancestors.

Ricard James born 1805 in Sligo, married Maria Eakins in 1826. His occupation is recored as a Policeman in our Family History.

and their daughter,

Annie James James, born 1833 and dying in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia in 1891.

with many thanks,

Harold E. Jones

[South Australia]

Friday 24th Oct 2014, 02:00AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Harold

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the delay in getting back to you. I have forwarded your query to a Sligo volunteer. I hope he will be in touch shortly

    Best Wishes
    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Wednesday 29th Oct 2014, 12:22PM
  • Hello Harold

    Ms. Doyle has asked me if I can be of assistance with your questions. I have a few questions to start us off but first want to make sure I can connect with you from here before typing all out. Please advise. 

    Clare - if this just goes back to you then I'l need a wee bit more instruction being a bit rusty. I logged in to my parish account. 

    Thanks much.


    Drumrat Sligo

    Saturday 1st Nov 2014, 06:52PM
  • This is perfect Steve!
    Thanks a mil
    Genealogy Support

    Monday 3rd Nov 2014, 09:36AM
  • Hi Clare,

    Thankyou for your help. It is much appreciated.

    Enjoy your life,

    Harold E. Jones

    Wednesday 5th Nov 2014, 11:51PM
  • Hi Steve,

    My apologies for not replying sooner. I have had trouble signing in, but Clare has helped me.

    Any further information to assist you in tracking down my ancestors I am happy to supply. I must correct Richard James daughter's name as I spelt it incorrectly. It should be Annie Jane James.

    I really appreciate any help you can give me Steve.

    Have a great life,


    Wednesday 5th Nov 2014, 11:57PM
  • Hello
    I read your message on the Ireland XO website about your ancestors from Sligo. I noted with interest that your ancestor was a Policeman. Do you mean he was this in Ireland or Australia or both? If it was Ireland he was a member of the Royal Irish Constabulary and would have moved around a lot, as he was posted to different stations. Often, policemen were sent outside their own counties so he may not have been from Sligo originally. Having said that, the surname James does occur in Sligo a bit, especially in the parish of Skreen & Dromard, where there is a family with this name today.
    I am from Sligo and would be willing to help you,

    Do you have extra information - like when and where they emigrated to Australia, why Australia and any other family names?

    I hope I can help you

    Kind regards


    Tuesday 27th Jan 2015, 11:17AM
  • Hello again,
    I found a Maria James (wife of retired policeman) who died in Riverstown, Co. Sligo in 1879. Sounds like it could be her. Informant on death was a Sarah James (daughter).
    Is this the family you are seeking?

    The more I think about it the more I think that, given he was a Policemen, he was
    (a) probably not born in Sligo but was stationed there. Therefore his wife (Maria) was probably not from Sligo either but their children may have veeb born there. If they were stationed in Riverstown in Sligo then this seems like a good place to start looking?
    (b) was he Church of Ireland? Some of there records are very good and go back a long way (further than some RC records)
    (c) As a Policeman there will/should be Royal Irish Constabulary Records also of his service which can be researched

    I hope this helps!!



    Tuesday 27th Jan 2015, 11:37AM

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