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My great grandmother Bridget born 1865-67 Rover ,County Sligo. Parents John and Jane. It is believed Jane was from County Roscommon and her maiden name Mullany.Parents were farmers.Bridget emigrated to Australia - Cooktown, north Queensland  in October 1885. So brave to travel so far at such a young age. She does not appear to have travelled with any family member. From research it appears there may have been brothers and sisters in Ireland. Have located what is believed to be Bridget's parents in the 1901 Census. Residing Rover/Kilmactranny/Tirerrill/Sligo. Parents 75 and 65 years of age at time. 1911 Census does not reveal John Noone still living.  There is a Jane Noone aged 75 years, a widow , listed as residing with Thomas and Eliza Deignan in House Number 15 in Rover Ballynashee, Sligo. Thomas Deignan 's occupation is listed as Farmer. A check of the Griffiths Valuation Records has John, James and Daniel Noone and Peter Deignan farming? adjoining areas of land Rover/Parish Kilmactranny/ Union of Boyle/ Barony of Tirerill/ County of Sligo. Landlord was Edward Frazer. Feel there are  probably a number of relatives still residing in the Counties of Sligo, Roscommon and Mayo. Would like, so much, to make contact and perhaps learn more of the family history. 

Thursday 8th Nov 2012, 12:41PM

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  • As you probably know, Rover being on the county border makes things slightly more complicated. It is situated in Geevagh RC parish (Co. Sligo) and Boyle registration district (Co. Roscommon). A Bridget was baptised to John Noone and Jane Mullany in Geevagh in 1865.

    A birth registration from 1865 gives Bridget Noone's mother as Anne Mullany which could be a transcription error  They would likely register at Ballyfarnon, it being easily accessible.

    Perhaps some of your Bridget's siblings are listed here,…

    A possible marriage for her parents would be John Noone and Joan Mullany 1862 in Cootehall RC parish, Co. Roscommon.

    Griffith's has many Mullany's living in Cootehall RC parish, which seemingly
    includes both Ardcarn and part of Tumna civil parishes.

    A John Noone, given age 86 died in Boyle district in 1908.

    Friday 14th Dec 2012, 09:42PM
  • Thank you, so much, for taking the time to check details of my great grandmother Bridgets parents and siblings. We had located some of those you mentioned but not the youngest Thomas- born 1876. We also located a Michael born 1863 and Patrick/Patt born 1864. There are variations of spelling  with mothers name- in registration for Patt is given as Jane Mullary. As Jane did not read or write the verbal transcription to relevant authorities could easily have been m isunderstood. I had been unable to locate a marriage record for my great great  grandparents or the christening of my great grandmother so was so happy to receive your information. Have tried very hard to pick up details on Bridgets brothers and what appeared to be  three sisters  Elizabeth born 1869 and Maria born 1871. There is a death record for a Elizabeth Noone in Boyle in 1871. Cannot find any marriage records for either. There was also Anna born 1873. How do I discover if any other family member emigrated? Did pick up a Pat aged 23 and John 20 sailing to Australia on the Dorunda in 1888.They were listed as being from Sligo.  They did not settle in Cooktown and my grandfather or his family never spoke of them. Cannot find any record of their marriages or deaths in Australia. They travelled as remittance passengers so someone in Australia must have paid their fares. Have been unable to locate much regarding marriages of what I take to be Bridgets brothers in Ireland. Do church records provide any more information? I wonder why Bridgets mother was residing with a nephew and niece and not a son or daughter when a widow in the 1911 Census. 

    Tuesday 5th Feb 2013, 12:41PM

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