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My ggm (Moria Conway) and her family are listed on the 1901 Census. My ggm emigrated to the USA sometime c.1904 and c.1906-1908 she married my ggf, William Vick. She was the only Conway who emigrated (at that time) and since she was young I assume she arrived with an adult. On her death certificate, her mother is listed as Evelyn Judge of England and Moria's birth date is 12/25/1892. I am trying to find out why she left Ireland who she came with and if possible the actual location of the home in which they lived. My understanding is that grandchildren of Anthony Conway may still be living there. A family member who met the other Conway family members in Ireland in 1964 also stated that Conway may be related to Connolly. Also, when she came to the US, she changed her name to Marie (Marian) Conway. If you can help at all, I would greatly appreciate it. 

Moria Conway

Anthony Conway

PLU: Dromore West
Townland or Street: Kilmacurkan
DED: Easky East
Parish: Kilmacshalgan 
Listed as House #7 on Form B - House and Building Return


Steve Vick

Aurora, Illinois

Sunday 22nd Mar 2015, 02:47PM

Message Board Replies

  • Steve:

    Sorry for the delayed response. I think Maria was born in 1890 based on the age 11 in the 1901 census and this civil index record I located. Emigrants usually adjusted their age when they came to the States and a birthday on 12/15, 3/17 or 1/1 is usually an indication that the DOB is different. I also located the 1911 census for the family and as you indicated Maria was the only one who had emigrated by 1911. I also located a possible civil marriage record in the first quarter of 1883 which would indicated that Maria's mother's name was either Mary McCann or Mary Kelly. You would need the actual record to see the name. You can get copies of the birth or marriage record for around 4 euros each if you are interested. Let me know and I can forward instructions.

    Roger McDonnell


    First name(s)


    Last name


    Registration year


    Registered quarter/year

    Jul - Sep 1890

    Registration district

    Dromore West






    First name(s)


    Last name


    Registration year


    Registered Quarter/Year

    Jan - Mar 1883

    Registration district

    Dromore West









    Anthony Conway married one of these people
    Mary M'Cann, Bella Kilcullen, Celia Ruane, Mary M'Ann, Mary Kelly


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 28th Mar 2015, 12:57PM
  • Hi Roger,

    Yes, I would like to order the records. Can you send me details?

    Also, do you have a recommendation for where I might look for Moria's emigration record? Is there a way to find out from where she would have departed? I have checked some sources in the USA for her arrival but haven't had any luck. One interesting note from her death certificate is that she lists her mother as Evelyn Judge, of England. Perhaps that's who she traveled to the USA with. Because  Moria would have been a kid, I assume she would have traveled with a companion. 



    Steve Vick 

    Monday 30th Mar 2015, 05:02PM
  • Steve:

    Go to this link     Print out the birth/marriage forms as appropriate, fill out the form to the best of your ability, add the info from the index record: quarter/year of the event, registration district and volume an page number. Make sure you only ask for a copy. You have to use snail mail to get the request yo GRO in Co. Roscommon ( address provided when you print the form). You can ask GRO to e-mail the copy/copies back. I use a credit card number and have not had any issues. Usually get the info back in two weeks.

    Maria could have left from Queenstown (now Cobh) or possibly Londonderry (Derry). There is very little info on ship departures from Ireland. You best bet is to use Ancestry to find her arrival record in the States. Did she come into Ellis Island, Boston, Philadelphia?  


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 30th Mar 2015, 07:09PM
  • Hi Roger,

    Thanks. I'll submit a request. 

    Not sure. I checked Ellis Island and nothing. I'll research Boston and Philadelphia. 

    If there are descendants still living in the area, I'd love to get in touch. If you happen to know of any, please feel free to give them my email or my mailing address. 


    Monday 30th Mar 2015, 09:26PM

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