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Elizabeth Walker, "Church of Ireland, Ballygilcash, Kilmacshalgan, occupation -Teacher", married Francis Grey, "Farmer, Church of Ireland, at Leafonny, Kilglass" on 16-April 1863, (marriage record). I believe that she may have been living near &/or boarding with relatives, (i.e. Thomas Walker, possibly an uncle, and his daughter, Jane).

Elizabeth's brothers, my grandfather, George Walker, b.1832, and Stinson Walker, b.1823, both emigrated to the U.S. George came circa 1860 and about 1865 marrried Margaret McDonnell from Mayo. Stinson left Ireland in 1856 and married Mary Coryn (Cornyn?), b.1832, 'Sligo', (which she helpfully put on the 1900 U.S. census). Stinson may have married in Ireland or in New York City. 

Elizabeth Walker Grey died 01-Feb.1920 at Leafonny, Kilglass. I'm searching for information on the parish of her birth and, hopefully, my 2xgr. grandfather. On both the 1901 and 1911 Irish censuses she puts "Sligo' as her place of birth, but I've had no luck finding any further information on her or on her brothers. Birth records from that period seem to be non-existent. Her death certificate has minimal information, and I have also run into brick walls over here regarding her brothers' birth place in Ireland. 

I'm coming to Ireland next spring and I'd like to visit the area where my 2x gr. grandfather was born and also visit Elizabeth's grave and meet any Irish relatives I may have. Any help anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated.

Kathi K


Kathi K

Saturday 12th Nov 2016, 07:15PM

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    Hi Kathi

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out

    Records for Kilgass begin in 1825 for RC parish records and 1886 for Church of Ireland Records. As she was born prior to 1864 there will be no birth record for Elizabeth. 

    I haven't been able to locate any baptism records for any children born to a father William Walker in Co. Sligo. If she was married in Kilglass as your marriage record suggests this is a fairly good indicator of her parish of birth as usually (as is the case now) the couple would have married in the home parish of the bride. That marriage record though, gives her townland as 'Ballygilcash' and that is as close as you can get to a place location in Ireland. Ballygilcash is in the parish of Kilmacshalgan. Francis's townland was Leafonny in the parish of Kilglass.

    Using Francis's townland I checked the 1901 Census and located a Grey family with an Eliza aged 73, putting her year of birth as approx 1828 which would fit your details thus far. At that time she was a widow. You can see the entry HERE. She is listed with her son James, two nephews and a boarder. She is listed 10 yeas later in the 1911 Census and one of her grandson's uses 'Walker' as a middle name. So, at least by 1911 you know where they lived. If you go to the Valuation Office you might be able to learn who was in possession of the plot up to the 1960s. The staff in there are very nice and will be able to help you out. 

    I have three maps below one showing the general area and the other the townland of 'Ballykilcash'. Elizabeth's father was recorded as a farmer on her marriage certificate but the only William recorded in the Griffith's Valuation in that area is in the parish of Easkey, townland of Cooga which is not very far from Ballykilcash. If you can time during your stay you could also visit the Valuation Office to have a look at the Cancelled Books. You can learn about them HERE

    When you come to Ireland you could check out the ED/ (Education) series of files and records in the National Archives. If you know where she taught you might be able to find out more from a salary or pension file. Unfortunately these are not online and you will have to travel to the National Archives in Dublin. 

    Hope this helps

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support

    Tuesday 15th Nov 2016, 04:09PM
  • Clare,

    How can I find out where Elizabeth Walker Grey is buried?



    Kathi K

    Thursday 17th Nov 2016, 12:21AM
  • Hi Kathy

    You could contact the parish to see if they have a burial register and plot location HERE . Alternatively this website may have a listing


    Genealogy Support 


    Monday 21st Nov 2016, 11:32AM
  • Thank you, Clare. Your help is much appreciated!



    Kathi K

    Monday 21st Nov 2016, 04:04PM
  • Hi Clare,

    You have been so helpful in the past that I am appealing to you again.

    Where is the townland of Cartronarmstrong, parish of Kilglass, diocese of Killalla, county of Sligo?

    I can find no record/mention of this particular townland anywhere other than in the Tithe Applotment records of 1833.

    It appears that both my 3x & 4x great grandfathers (James Walker and William Walker) co-owned land there during this time.

    Any help you can give me will be much appreciated. 


    Kathi K.

    Kathi K

    Monday 27th Feb 2017, 06:58PM
  • Attached Files

    Dear Kathi:

    Many thanks for your query to Ireland Reaching Out.

    The townland of "Cartronarmstrong" appears to be known as Cartron and is located as you stated in the civil parish of Kilglass.

    Here is the link for the townland and any associated records:


    There was a John Walker and an Eliza Walker occupying land in the parish of Kilglass but in the townland of Leaffony.  I have attached that document for you below.  You can access Griffith's Valuation online through's. 

    Hopefully, some of the above is of some assistance


    All the best,



    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Wednesday 15th Mar 2017, 02:59PM
  • Jane,

    Thank you for this information.

    If this is the Eliza Walker that I'm hoping it is, she marries marries Francis Grey, several lots down the street from her in 1863.

    Prior to her marriage she was a "teacher". Do you know if there was a school in Leaffony in the 1850-1860's?

    Once again, I very much appreciate any help you can give me.

    Kathi K.

    Kathi K

    Sunday 19th Mar 2017, 12:31AM
  • Dear Kathi K:


    I don't know about the school, but I did find a website about it that you might find interesting



    All the best,



    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Monday 20th Mar 2017, 10:44AM
  • Thanks, Jane. Another piece of the puzzle!

    Kathi K.

    Kathi K

    Wednesday 22nd Mar 2017, 04:26PM

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