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William Dyson married Mary Anne Thompson at Emlaghfad Parish Church on the 29th June 1860. Are details of the parents included in the marriage register? Thank you. Andy Eccles

Friday 10th May 2013, 03:56PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Andy,

    Thank you for your message.

    The answer to your question depends on what religion the couple were.

    On Catholic marriage registers the following was usually recorded:

    First name, surname, age, father?s name and occupation and place of residence of bride and groom, the names of the sponsors.

    Catholic weddings generally took place in the church where the bride was baptised so you may be able to find her birth record in the same parish records which would give you her parents? names.

    Most Catholic records are held locally so you may need to write to the local parish priest for possible assistance. One website that you may find useful is the Irish Times where they give an overview of what records are available in specific parishes. It also shows you where copies of the records are available. For Emlaghfad parish, follow this link:


    Church of Ireland church registers had considerably less information recorded on them. usually they just recorded the full name of the groom, the full name of the bride, the date of the wedding and the name of the officiating clergyman.


    Most surviving Church of Ireland records are still held by the local clergy, although some are in the National Archives of Ireland and others are in the Representative Church Body Library in Dublin. Here are their websites: and

    Lists of these surviving registers can also be found at the National Library of Ireland.

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support


    Wednesday 12th Jun 2013, 03:30PM
  • Hi Emma,

    Thanks for taking the time to respond. The records I am looking for are from the Church of Ireland so it looks like I will be no better off even if I find them.

    Thank you once again



    Thursday 13th Jun 2013, 10:01AM

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