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I wondered if there is someone who could help me identify an old photograph taken in 1926 of my great-great grandmother Jane Mitchell's homestead in Ballysadare.  I'm trying to find out if the house is still standing. I don't have the address. Jane Mitchell married John Black of Larkhill, Ballysadare. They emigrated in April 1849 with their children, and settled on a farm in Washington CT.  

Thursday 10th Apr 2014, 03:23PM

Message Board Replies

  • Good Afternoon

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the delay in replying to your message. 

    We don?t yet have a volunteer in Ballysadare, Co. Sligo. Have you considered writing to the Sligo Champion? Someone from their readership would, perhaps, be able to assist you.

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support

    Wednesday 16th Apr 2014, 02:08PM
  • Hi,

    My great grand aunt Mary Archey married a Thomas Mitchell in 1854 and lived at Lisduff in Ballysadare. Thomas' father was possibly called Richard Mitchell.  Mary Archey and Thomas Mitchell had a son called Gilbert Mitchell (who I think married a Sarah Gilmore). I visited the area last year..... can't promise I could identify the property in your photo but if you wish you can email it to me at and I will certainly give you any feedback I can.




    Wednesday 9th Jul 2014, 05:14PM
  • Hello Hazel 

    My 4th Great Grandfather John Mitchell married a Mary Archey but I think it is a different person maybe related? maybe not? they had two children that I know of a Thomas Mitchell and Robert Mitchell. The years of my ancestors are about a 100 years different mine came before yours but possibly still could be related? Thomas Mitchell is my 3rd Great Grandfather and he married Anne Simpson and they had a son named William J Mitchell, my 2nd Great Grandfather who emmigrated to the US sometime in the 1840s or 1850s and eventually made his way to New Mexico as a soldier fighting in the Mexican American War and in the Apache Wars as well. He left Kentucky around 1854 and was escorted to New Mexico as a soldier in the 2nd Dragoons where he ended up and married Susana Romana Garcia and had 6 children whom I know of and one of the 6 children was their son Tomas Thomas Mitchell and he was my great grandfather who married a Frutoso Wallace and they had my Grandfather  Tomas Thomas (Tom) Mitchell who is my paternal grandfather and my fathers name is Gilbert Mitchell. Most of my immediate Mitchell Family resides and grew up in Northeastern New Mexico and some still reside there to this day. I need to do my DNA through Ancestry to see who I match with to get more detailed info if you would like to reach out on my username is mitchcj71 and my email is thanks. 

    Thursday 17th Mar 2022, 05:19PM
  • Hello Hazel 

    My 4th Great Grandfather John Mitchell married a Mary Archey but I think it is a different person maybe related? maybe not? they had two children that I know of a Thomas Mitchell and Robert Mitchell. The years of my ancestors are about a 100 years different mine came before yours but possibly still could be related? Thomas Mitchell is my 3rd Great Grandfather and he married Anne Simpson and they had a son named William J Mitchell, my 2nd Great Grandfather who emmigrated to the US sometime in the 1840s or 1850s and eventually made his way to New Mexico as a soldier fighting in the Mexican American War and in the Apache Wars as well. He left Kentucky around 1854 and was escorted to New Mexico as a soldier in the 2nd Dragoons where he ended up and married Susana Romana Garcia and had 6 children whom I know of and one of the 6 children was their son Tomas Thomas Mitchell and he was my great grandfather who married a Frutoso Wallace and they had my Grandfather  Tomas Thomas (Tom) Mitchell who is my paternal grandfather and my fathers name is Gilbert Mitchell. Most of my immediate Mitchell Family resides and grew up in Northeastern New Mexico and some still reside there to this day. I need to do my DNA through Ancestry to see who I match with to get more detailed info if you would like to reach out on my username is mitchcj71 and my email is thanks. 

    Thursday 17th Mar 2022, 05:19PM

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