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An ancestor named Catherine Langan was the daughter of John Langan and Mary (?). Catherine said that she was born in Ballymote, Co. Sligo in abt 1859. She told family members that her father died young in a riding accident. Her mother, Mary (no maiden name remembered by anyone) was a cook at Temple House, where she met her 2nd husband Patrick Davey. They later came to England. I would dearly love to find a marriage for John and Mary, so that I could learn her maiden name.

Any help at all would be most welcome.


Friday 12th Sep 2014, 01:41PM

Message Board Replies

  • Jennifer:

    I went to Roots Ireland and they did have an 1859 baptismal record for a Catherine Langan but it was not in the Emlaghfad RC records (which includes Ballymote). It was in the Drumcliff RC records. Drumcliff is much further to thhe north of Ballymote. Also, the parents were not John and Mary.

    I searched on Roots for a marriage for John Langan 1848-1858 but got "no record".

    I looked at the 1858 Griffiths Valuation head of household listing for Co. Sligo. There were 18 Langans listed including a John Langan below and there was also a Peter Langan in Ballymote town on Main Street.

    When did Mary marry Patrick Davey?

    Roger McDonnell

    Griffith Langan John Falnasoogaun Or Ropefield Kilvarnet Co. Sligo

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 12th Sep 2014, 03:09PM
  • Roger,

    I am a little sorry that you didn't find the relevant records, but I am truly grateful to you for trying so hard. It is possible that  my John Langan was born in another part of Sligo, as I had only been told about the origins of Catherine and Mary. Perhaps I was misinformed. I don't think I will be able to find the date of Mary and Patrick's marriage, only having access to English records in freebmd and on Ancestry.

    Do you happen to know if some of Co. Sligo's records were among those that were lost? It would be such a help to know, if the records are incomplete. Does an 1841, 51 or 61 census exist?

    Thank you so much.



    Friday 12th Sep 2014, 04:09PM
  • Jenny:

    No census records for Co. Sligo prior to 1901 other than a few fragments in 1851 and there are no Langans in 1851.

    A number of Catholic parishes do not have records back to the 1850s which may explain why I did not locate a record on Roots.

    I have access to the Irish civil index records so I will see if I can find anything.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 12th Sep 2014, 04:34PM
  • Jenny:

    There are Patrick Davey marriages in 1866, 1867 and 1870 in Co. Sligo where one of the possible spouses had the name of Mary but none showed Mary Langan. Possibly she used her maiden name but there is no way of determining that infornation. here is an example of one of the records.



    First name(s) Patrick
    Last name Davey
    Registration District Sligo
    Registration year 1870
    Registered Quarter/Year 1870
    Volume 2
    Page 462
    County -


    Patrick Davey married one of these people
    Mary Reynolds, Mary Dignan, Catherine Rogers, Mary Kilalea, Jane Beirne


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 12th Sep 2014, 11:52PM
  • Thanks Roger. Good luck with your research Jenny!

    Best wishes
    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Wednesday 17th Sep 2014, 12:33PM
  • Roger,

    By jove, that's a real possibility, and, who knows, I might one day find that a Mary Reynolds worked at Temple House, and my search would be complete. 

    Thank you so much, again.



    Wednesday 17th Sep 2014, 03:52PM
  • Dear Jenny
    This is my second attempt to post a message - hope this one gets through!
    Found your message in Reach Out and I too am trying to find out more about Catherine Langan and her parents.  I know we must be related as I have the same family history about her - that her father John died in a riding accident at the age of 21 and that her mother remarried Patrick Davey and worked at 'The Big House' in Ballymote which I believe to be Temple House.  Catherine came to Farnworth and married John Wilfred Syddall.  The only Jenny (Jennifer) I can find in our family history is:-
    John Wilfred Syddall - Catherine Langan - Son James
    James Syddall - Jane Ellen Thornley - Son George
    George Syddall - Joan Stamp - Son George Geoffrey
    George Geoffrey Syddall - Linda Entwistle - Daughter Jenny
    If I've got this right your Great Grandad James was my Grandad George Francis's brother who lost three brothers in The First World War.  My Grandad's son was also called George (Kevan) and I'm his daughter Norma Syddall.
    I know Grandad used to go to Sligo to visit family in the 1950's and that they always sent parcels at Christmas (including a turkey!) but I was too young to ask for details.  I'm sure we still have family there so it seems that some of the family came to Farnworth and some stayed in Ireland. It would be wonderful to learn if anyone in Ireland remembers or has connections with the Syddall family - I would so much love to know them.  Cousins Philip Lord and Katherine Lord went to Temple House with their mother Alice and have photos.
    I have been to one of the church yards in Ballymote trying to find John but there were many Langans and I couldn't work out who would be our John Langan.  I'm going back to Ireland next spring and will spend as much time as I can in Ballymote trying to gather any information  but - knowing not much more than a name - not sure how far I'll be able to get!
    Sorry it's so long-winded but there was much to say.  Thank you to everyone in Ireland Reaching Out for helping us reconnect with the living by honouring the dead.
    If you would like to get in touch my email address is
    Tel 01204 852553
    God Bless

    Wednesday 19th Nov 2014, 03:57PM

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