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I believe I have found the baptism certificate for my great great grandmother, Honoria Nangle through RootsIreland. According to the certificate, she was baptised on 29 Jul 1805 in Aghanagh, Roman Catholic; father: Patrick; mother: Maria Ballantine.

I have found three separate notations of a Patrick Nangle in Griffith's valuation in different locations in County Sligo. Any tips on how I might be able to determine if any of these Patrick's might be Honoria's father?

Honoria Nangle married Michael Boyle (1807-1882) around 1838 and they emigrated with their children to America in 1850. They farmed in the state of Wisconsin. Honoria died in 1861. A James Nangle (1806-1858) is also buried in the same cemetery; I am guessing he is either Honoria's brother or cousin.

There are quite a few Nangle's listed in Griffiths Valuation in County Sligo. Any information on the Nangle family in Aghanagh or in County Sligo would be appreciated.


Micki (Boyle) Sparr



Monday 12th May 2014, 01:03AM

Message Board Replies

  • Micki:

    There are only two Patrick Nangles in Griffiths which was conducted in Co. Sligo in 1858 (one had two holdings). One was in Killadoon parish, the other in Kilmactranny parish. Those two parishes are northeast of Aghanagh parish but you would have to cross through Co. Roscommon to get there. I guess it is possible that the family could have moved there after the baptism. If you look at and search for Patrick Nangle in Co. Sligo, you will see Pat Nangles in Killadoon and Kilmactranny. Maybe the same two who are listed in the Griffiths.

    Getting back to the 1805 baptism, Patrick Nangle would have been at least 20 and maybe a good deal older. The Griffiths was 53 years later when he would have been 73 or older. There is a good possibility that the father of Honoria was deceased by 1858.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 12th May 2014, 02:13AM
  • Thank you so much for your reply to my question. It did seem that the Patrick Nangles in the 1858 Griffiths Valuation would have to be fairly elderly to be Honoria's father. Without better records available, I may have to be satisfied with knowing only that Honoria and her family came from around those areas of co Sligo and was likely related in some way to some (or all!) of the Nangle family members later recorded in Griffiths Valuation.

    I have not had any luck in finding marriage records; it surprises me that I can find a baptism record, but not a marriage record.

    Micki (Boyle) Sparr


    Tuesday 13th May 2014, 09:10PM
  • Micki:

    Generally baptism records go back further than marriage records for most parishes. I can only surmise that baptismal records were considerd more important.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 13th May 2014, 10:30PM
  • While searching for my Ganlys in the parish records of neighboring Boyle in Roscommon, I noticed many Nangles there. You might try there.

    Friday 29th Jan 2016, 04:21PM
  • I've recently been searching on the Sligo Roscommon border and found a few things that may help. 

    1. The RC parishes can cross county lines.  See

    In my case, people who said they were born in Boyle (Roscommon) show up in the Ballinifad (Sligo) baptism records.

    2. There is a Nanglestown area in the Agacarra townland, Boyle, Roscommon.  In Griffiths its under Agacarra, in Tithe its just under Nanglestown.

    3. There is a church in Corrigeenroe (a 'place', not a town or parish) in Agacarra that is now attached to Ballinifad but at some time in the past was attached to Boyle.

    Of course all of these places appear in various records with slightly different spellings.



    Tuesday 24th Jan 2017, 12:38AM
  • Update. Fresh thread on this family with new information on Sligo board July 2018. "Nangle family"

    Maggie May

    Thursday 26th Jul 2018, 10:59PM

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