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My GGGrandfather, Robert WALKER emigrated to Canada (Province of Ontario)along with his younger brother, Andrew, prior to 1830.    Robert was bc1794.  Robert would have had another brother back in Ireland as his nephew (Robert Walker) and neice (Jane Walker) emigrated to Canada prior to 1851 and resided with him.   Robert married Mary Ann SCOTT in 1831 in Pakenham tp., Lanark co., Ontario.


I would like to connect with Robert's family in Ireland - I have done the genealogy in Canada and have a great deal of information I can share.


Recently, I located a family of Walkers living in Carraun/Carane Townland, Achonry Parish, Tobercurry Union, Leyny Barony, County Sligo  and am anxious to know if these Walkers are mine.


I hope this jogs someone's memory.

Friday 22nd Mar 2013, 08:28PM

Message Board Replies



    Thank you very much for your message. I hope that someone who knows the family or ahs information makes a connection with you.

    It may be an idea to also place a message in a more local forum such as newsletters/newspapers in the hope that someone who knows the family makes a connection with you to share information. Some possible places you could so this are:

    The Sligo Champion:

    Sligo Weekender:

    Sligo Today:

    I hope that this suggestion is helpful. Please be patient - as our programme has only begun to rollout across the island of Ireland and volunteers in some areas may not yet be organized.

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support

    Tuesday 14th May 2013, 12:05PM
  • I am related to the Walkers of Curraun and would be interested in contacting you.

    Tuesday 6th Aug 2013, 02:03PM
  • I am also related to the Walkers of Carraun.  I am a direct descendent of Thomas Walker (b. abt. 1851) who married Catherine Dunne (b. 1861) and had 8 children.  I do not know of any Walkers emmigrating to Canada, but I also do not have any information on relatives who preceded Thomas and Catherine.  Please let me know if you have any additional information.


    Saturday 11th Jan 2014, 07:06PM
  • I have met with some of the Walkers still living in Tobbercurry. There seems to be at least 3 strands of the family. They all came from Carrane and were all related but we cannot tie them together. I am the great grand-daughter of James Walker (born abt.1837) and his father was James also.

    Monday 5th May 2014, 08:48PM

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