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Moffitts from Moyoran (Tumna)

I found Teresa Moffitt on a passenger list in 1900. She was 18 yrs old, from Moyoran and headed for an address in New Haven CT to her sister Margaret. This is the correct address for my family of Moffitts (Jennie, Tom, Margaret, Mary). I was told my greatgrandparents were a Moffit married to a Conboy (which I have decided is sometimes Kilboy). So looking in the Roman Catholic records plus Griffiths I put together a family of Matthew Moffit and Bridget Kilboy with children Honor, Michael, Eliz, Patrick, Margaret, Thomas, Teresa, and Matthew (born btw 1856 and1875). The problem is this group of children is missing two key family members of mine: siblings John and Jennie Moffit (my grandmother). I know Irish usually had two names but I have no other name for Jennie. I have her death certificate and her marriage record from CT USA. Also Teresa's birthdate from the passenger list is 10 yrs different from the church baptism record.

The 1901 Census lists Bridget, a widow, with her son Patrick, living in Moyoran. This is likely the Bridget above.

I was also told that Matthew (some said his name was MIchael) had two children by a previous marriage, James and Mary, but I cant find evidence of this.

So this is a lot of detail and a lot of contradictions. What to try next? (Reposted from the general Ireland XO board)

Thursday 5th Jan 2017, 05:54PM

Message Board Replies

  • I saw that Elwyn had responded to your December 22nd message. Just so you know, all messages whether posted in a parish like Tumna or on Ireland XO all end up on the main message board.

    You may want to scan the Tumna/Ardcarn/Cootehall RC parish register to see if you can find the missing baptismal records. Sometimes the priest's handwriting was very hard to decipher and when transcribed it came out a lot different than Moffitt. Also, sometimes the baptism did not make it to the register. The baptismal records for two of my grandmother's brothers do not show up on the parish register.

    Roger McDonnell


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 5th Jan 2017, 06:48PM
  • I found a passenger listing for Mary Ann and Honor Moffit traveling from Queenstown to NY 1875. I also found a Petty Session entry for same names in 1869 in Moyoran. I can't prove they are the same people but the dates work. I can't help wondering if Honor and Jennie are the same person since I find no further trail of Honor in Ireland or US and no trail of Jennie in Ireland.

    Thursday 2nd Mar 2017, 02:19PM
  • Thursday 2nd Mar 2017, 05:48PM

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