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Looking for Thomas Eagan born 1838 parents Michael and Anne Hedian  Stokestown.

Wife came to the US in 1875 with some children. Listed as a widow in 1880 us census.

Would like to find him and his wife's parents John Sharkey  and Honoria Mclaughlin

Thursday 25th Oct 2012, 07:31PM

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    Please make sure you link anyone else in your family who is interested in their Irish heritage to our site - and indeed anyone else you know of Irish heritage.

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    Ireland Reaching Out

    Tuesday 27th Nov 2012, 01:14PM
  • Hi , Thank you for the info. Most of the information I have found has been on the US side. I did find some recent records from the LDS site. The family I am looking for is my grandfather's grandfather. Thomas Eagan. I have found his wife Jane and their children living in the US starting in 1880 Census. It does say they came in 1875 but I have not found any of the passages on any of the ships manifest. One son John came in 1885 which is listed on the 1900 Census. The wife is Jane Sharkey Eagan born in  1845 in  Ireland and the 1880 census lists as a widow  and with 3 of the 5 children.  I have found the marriage record 11/3/1863 in  Roscommon. Thomas parents were Michael and Anne Hedian and he was born in 1838. Her parents are listed on the death record in the US as John Sharkey and Mary Mclaughlin. I have not found any other records on the LDS site for them Most of the children's births are listed  as being born in lissonuffy, catlerea. Mayo, claremorris, Ballycroy, Swineford , and stokestown. I am not sure if these are parishs, counties, towns or churchs. I  would like if any one has any information on depature their departure from Ireland,  why only some of the children came and what happen to the husband. Did he die in Ireland or somewhere else. and what would make them leave at that time. Thank you Cathy. Ps If anyone is looking for information for any Irish ancestors in the following areas I can help. Most would be in the East coast of the US Massachusetts Mill towns in the Northbridge, Uxbridge, Blackstone and Northern Rhode Island, Woonsocket , Cumberland, Slatersville areas.

    Monday 3rd Dec 2012, 05:01PM
  • Hi Cathy,

    I have found through my Roscommon research that Hedian, Head, Heade and Hede are used interchangeably for the same family group  Heade's from Roscommon settled in the coal mining areas of Pennsylvania near Schuykill and in Providence, RI. 

    Lissonuffy is an old Roscommon parish with an old cemetery. It is near the town of Strokestown, where Strokestown Manor, the site of Ireland's famine museum, is located.  In addition, there is a parish called Strokestown. 

    Good luck!

    Sunday 6th Jan 2013, 09:19PM
  • Hi Cathy, I'm researching my grandfathers family McLaughlin from Roscommon, My John married Bridget Coyne who was killed in Massachusetts. My McLaughlin boys left Roscommon in 1860, went to Philly then to New Jersey, then to Newton, Mass where they settled. The other name with is family is Mulligan.What info on the McLaughlins do you have? Dates? Places?

                                                                     Thanks Sandy

    Friday 5th Jul 2013, 01:51PM

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