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Martin McNeive (MacNeive) and his wife Alice Carley would have immigrated to America around the 1850"s. They had four sons:

Edward Squire, Thomas, James and Michael. I am looking to confirm the parish of their Irish roots. I do know they were from County Roscommon as it is on their burial marker at St Mary's Kansas (USA).

Friday 1st Apr 2016, 03:14PM

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  • Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 1st Apr 2016, 03:46PM
  • Hi James,

    I saw some of your past post on from 2003 -2009.  However, I couldn't get signed on to post in the conversation.  I am also looking for family information on the McNeive family from Roscommon.  My gr gr gr grandmother was Catherine (McNeive) Burke born 1847 in County Roscommon Ireland, our records show her parents being Martin McNeive and Alice.  Catherine was buried in St. Mary, KS.   When I saw your post about Martin McNeive and Alice I was thinking it must be the same family!   We did not have Alice's maiden name nor knew about brothers.  However, one of the posts in the converstion on said there were 4 brothers possibly 1 girl (which I think is our Catherine).  My Mom (Grace) had a lead that Catherine was from Killukin Parish.  I am going to Ireland for Christmas and was hoping to discover more information on my McNeive family.  Staying in Roscommon for 4 days. If I (we) could confirm the parish it might be helpful.  Thank you.  Gretchen (Van Dusen) Axton (line grandma Helen Winker, Gr grandma Katherine (Katie) Cooper born in St. Mary, KS, grandma Margaret Burke born in St. Mary, KS, gr gr gr grandma Catherine McNeive born 1847 County Roscommon, EIRE,  Martin/Alice McNeive). 

    Where are you from James?  Feel free to send me Gretchen Axton (Torrance, CA) a facebook message or email ( to compare family notes, documents, etc....  My Mom Grace Van Dusen (Manhattan Beach, CA) and brother Geoff Van Dusen (Sioux Falls, SD)have most of our family history and records. 

    Friday 24th Nov 2017, 07:06PM

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