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My paternal great grandmother, Sarah Maguire (McGuire) was christened in 1859 at Killukin Church.  Her parents names were Eliza Flyn and Martin Maguire (McGuire).  Shortly afterwards they moved to Liverpool and are in the 1861 census.  Martin is a shoemaker and gives his place of birth as Currie, Ireland.  From research I have done and information that I have been given, there are two places near Killukin of that name or similar, Corry and The Curries or Currie Hill.  I would be very greatful if anyone could find a marriage record for Eliza and Martin either in Killukin or perhaps another Catholic church nearby.  If there is any information about their parents or brothers and sisters I would be very interested in that as well.  Eliza and Martin named their first son, born in 1861 in Liverpool, William so this may be the name of Martin's father.


Thank you Sandie  

Monday 27th Aug 2012, 09:58PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Sandie,

    Some Catholic parish registers are held in the National Library of Ireland. Information for these can be found here:  Often, the bulk of records are held locally, so it may be worth while to contact the local diocese for further assistance. Contact details can be found here: . 

    I wish you the best of luck with your search.


    Please make sure you link anyone else in your family who is interested in their Irish heritage to our site - and indeed anyone else you know of Irish heritage.

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support

    Ireland Reaching Out


    Tuesday 28th Aug 2012, 09:51AM
  • Thank you so very much for such a prompt response.  I will follow your suggestions and hopefully I will be able to find the information I have been searching for for the last 10 years.



    Tuesday 28th Aug 2012, 11:04AM

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