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I am seeking information on the following ancestors:

Johannis Kelly married Eliza Mulvee thye had a daughter named Elizabeth born on 16 May 1846 in Killinvoy, Roscommon, Ireland.  Elizabeth married Thomas Howley I beleive he was from the same area.  Thomas and Lizze immigrated to the USA and settled in Muscatine, Iowa where they had 5 children.  Edward (1867), Mary Agnes (17 Sep 1867- 10 Nov 1937), Thomas F (1871), John (1872), and Patsy (1874).  Patsy (Patrick?) was born in Missouri,USA. 

Mary Agnes married Michael Wich(1867-1918) in 1892 and among their many childres was my grandmother Lorretto (possibly Lorreta) Agnes Wich (1894-1975)

Any additional information which you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you. 

Charles Loewe

P.S. I am enclosing a photo of Mary Agnes Howley taken in her later years .
Mary died on 10 Nov 1937 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois,USA

Tuesday 24th Feb 2015, 07:40PM

Message Board Replies

  • Charles:

    Civil registratation started in Ireland in 1864 for Roman Catholics. I was unable to find a civil marriage record for Thomas and Elizabeth and also checked Roots Ireland and could not find a church record.

    The RC church for Killinvoy civil parish is Knockcroghery (St. Johns). Records start in 1841 for that parish. I was able to find the 1846 baptismal record for Elizabeth. I also found three other baptismal records for a John Kelly with a wife Eliza. They were as follows:

    Mary 1844 ( this child may have died young)

    Mary 1845

    Elizabeth 1846

    N. 1851  I could not determine the name other than the first initial.

    I also checked the 1855 Griffiths Valuation head of household for Killinvoy parish and there were two John Kellys listed. Not sure if either is your ancestor.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 24th Feb 2015, 09:06PM
  • Thank you for taking the time to respond.   I have found three children for John Kelly and Eliza(e) Mulvee.

    Miriam Kelly b. 29 Jun 1844

    Elizabeth Kelly b. 16 May 1846

    Patricium Kelly b. 15 Jan 1851

    I haven't found either Mary or N.   I wonder if Mariam and Mary are the same person since they are both born in 1844 unless Mary and Mariam were twins.  

    Some of the entries in FamilySearch show up as Killinvoy and Killmain

    I looked at Griffiths link you sent and there is no way to know if either of those entries are my ancestor.  Is there somewhere I could look for death/cemetery records or location. 

    I would guess that Kelly is a common name in Ireland, is that also true for the Mulvee surname?


    charles loewe

    This attached photo is of Lorretta Agnes Loewe (nee Wich)

    Tuesday 24th Feb 2015, 11:32PM
  • Charles:

    It is possible that Roots Ireland had some issues with accreting the records. I'm sure the N. in 1851 is Patrick.Miriam and Mary would be the same and the 1845 record could be an error.

    Kelly was a very common name in the 19th centuryprobably #2 in Ireland. Mulvee/Mulvy/Mulvey was not very common.

    Civil death records start in 1864. We don't know if your John Kelly was still alive by 1864 and even if he lived beyond 1863 it would be difficult to idenify the correct record since John Kelly was such a common name.

    You can check on the Internet for cemeteries in the area ( By the way, I live in the States). Find a Grave has records for Knockcroghery cemetery but they are all recent deaths.

    Let me know if you have questionss.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 25th Feb 2015, 12:20AM
  • Thanks for your efforts - I really appreciate it!

    Wednesday 25th Feb 2015, 12:26AM
  • Kelly was a particularly important name in this civil parish as it was the strong hold of one of most prominent Irish Kings of Connacht and of the Hy Many predigree,  King William Boy O'Kelly Chief of Hy Many. Famous for the phrase "Cead Mile Failte". Many of the Kelly's of his line that survived were said to be hung by Cromwell on hangman's hill. Those bapatism microfilms should be available online now We are probably very distant cousins if your Kelly line is any relation to the Hy Many. There has been great progress made using DNA on this line in the past 2 years and many Kelly lines of the Hy Many are being discovered. Some are not Kellys at all. There are Llyod, Hawke, Trainor, Madden, O'Brien, Green, and other that are all of the same paternal acestor, Maine Mor died 365A.D. The Kelly surname originated somewhere around 15 generations after Maine Mor and has become the most prodominent surname in the Y-DNA for the Hy Many. Not sure this helps you with your research but may provide you with some background on where your Kelly line may be of. There are 7 Septs of Kelly's in Ireland and the Hy Many where the largest. Your Kellys were in an area where they once flourished and were very powerful.


    Friday 2nd Dec 2016, 08:48PM
  • Thanks for the further info.  I have taken the autosomal dna from which I also xfr'd to ftdna then did the y-37 test over there.  If you have also tersted your dna it would be interesting to see if there were any matches.

    Saturday 3rd Dec 2016, 09:10PM
  • I have tested Y-37, Y-67, and Big-Y with ftdna. I have not done any other testing besides Y. Perhaps in time I will. It certainly adds a lot of interesting information.




    Sunday 4th Dec 2016, 10:27PM
  • Well my Y37 test on FTDNA yielded no matches and I discussed further testing with the staff there but we concluded that additional testing would be useless until any matches showed up.   The Kelly surname would not show up in my Ydna test since the path is thru a paternal grandmother and g-g-grandmother.   Should you ever get an autosomal test done there likely we will find each other then!  Till then, thanks for the information and posts

    Monday 5th Dec 2016, 09:30PM

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