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I am looking for any information on my husband's great great grandfather Patrick Conboy. He was born in Creagh Roscommon in either 1801 or 1807. He joined the Royal Canadian Rifles in 1825 and served in the 25th foot regiment and the 74th foot regiment. He was discharged in 1850. His record of discharge states he was attested at Ballinasloe Galway on May 17 1825. He served in the West Indies for 3 1/2 years and then North America for 12 1/2 years. His discharge  service number was 184. I found this info on the chelsea pensioners british army service records 1760-1913. His wife was either Mary McDonald or Mary McDonell ( born in Castledermot Co Kildare )  and they had four children, Ester born 1835 in St. Vincent , West Indies, Sarah 1838 in Fredericton New Brunswick Canada, Mary Ellen 1842 Montreal, Quebec, Canada and Patrick 1845 Amherstburg, Ontario Canada .He was sent to the area of Windsor , Ontario, Canada for the Patriot Rebellion of 1837. They settled there and Patrick died April 9 1871 in Amherstburg. I have not been able to find any information about him or his family in Ireland.


Any help at all would be wonderful !

thank you


Friday 13th Mar 2015, 06:29AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Mary-Jean

    Apologies for the long delay in getting back to you. Have you managed to find out any more about the above?

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support

    Wednesday 22nd Jul 2015, 10:30AM
  • Sorry I haven't checked in for some time- obviously :)

    No, I have not found out anything more about Patrick Conboy





    Monday 9th Jan 2017, 10:33PM
  • Dear Mary-Jean

    Prior to the start of civil registration in Ireland in 1864, parish records are one of the only sources of ancestor information.The Roman Catholic parish of Creagh actually takes in part of Co. Galway and includes the parishes of Ballinasloe, Creagh and Kilcloony. The baptismal register for this parish begins in 1820 as do the marriage records and this is too late for your purposes. It is likely therefore that you will not be able to find any baptism/birth related information about Patrick. 

    I searched the fragments of the 1821 Census for Galway for any Conboy without any luck - this was a stab in the dark really. I also searched the Griffith's Valuation on the off-chance that a father or potential brother was listed but again, without any success. The only male Conboy marriage in Roscomon I could find was on 11th Feb 1801 of a John Conboy and a Brigid Griffin. This marriage took place in the parish of Ballintubber/Ballymoe which is some distance from Creagh. I can't say that this is the marriage of Patrick's parents but neither can I rule it out - as it exists for the correct time period it might be a good idea to keep the information until such time as other sources become available that can completely rule it out (and I am siding with the option of ruling it out I'm afraid - though as the couple would have married in the parish of the bride (usually) it might be relevant after all, I cannot as I say, be sure). I couldn't locate any baptisms for children of this couple either. 

    This is a good website to keep an eye on for updates of new record sources as they come online. 

    I would love to know if you learn anything in future - keep us updated!

    Best wishes


    Genealogy Support 


    Wednesday 11th Jan 2017, 10:13AM
  • Thank you very much for that, I really appreciate it !



    Thursday 12th Jan 2017, 12:12AM
  • Dear Mary Jean, 

    I just came across this post. I have come across the name Conboy in Attyrory, parish of Creagh. They appear is some registered births etc . This family were not present in Attyrory in the 1901 or 1911 census. 


    I will look up what I have and get back to you. 


    All the best, 


    Marie Monaghan


    Moore Roscommon

    Thursday 10th Aug 2017, 05:22PM
  • Thank you very much Marie !  I had to chuckle when I saw your last name. The other Irish family I have tried to trace starts with a John Coyle from county Monaghan-- unfortunately I don't have the info on where in the county.



    Friday 11th Aug 2017, 07:02PM
  • Dear Mary Jean,

    I am not sure how you can match up this information to your family but here are some listings of Conboy I have come across. It is not a common name around Ballinasloe.

    On 25th Sep 1827 there is a death of a Sally Conboy alias Kelly recorded in the Catholic Parish of Ballinasloe. Age appears to be 82 years. You can view: 

    On 14th Jan 1829 there is a death recorded in the Catholic Parish of Ballinasloe of a Patt Conboy Attyrory aged about 90 years. You can view this

    (There are very few death records prior to civil registration in 1864 so this Conboy record is fortunate. The priest's name was L. Dillon. )

    Here is a link to Griffits Valuation (1856) which shows a William Conboy and Michael Conboy farming in Attyrory. Attyrory is located in the parish of Creagh, County Roscommon. The nearest town is Ballinasloe,County Galway.

    There is a birth of Patrick Conboy on August 4th 1867 with address as Attyrory. Father’s name in Michael Conboy and mother's name is Winifred Kenny. A baptismal record for March 1877 shows that Michael and Mary Conaboy were baptismal sponsors for a Catherine Naughton. This Naughton family lived in Attyrory. I assume 'Conaboy' and 'Conboy' are the just variations of spelling.  

    Generally, the births, marriages and deaths for Attyrory are registered in district of 'Ballinasloe' or 'Roscommon'. You can search in The townland is usually listed on the death record. I forget what time period was registered under the district Ballinasloe but I do know that up to at least 1917 Attyrory births, marriages and deaths appear under district ' Ballinasloe'. In later years, Attyrory registrations appear under district 'Roscommon'.  

    Three historic graveyards in the adjacent parish of Moore have been recorded but there was no Conboy names located. Most likely the burial ground for this family would be the old graveyard in Creagh.To the best of my knowledge, this has not been transcribed. 

    It is strange that there is no Conboy in the Creagh environs in 1901 or 1911. 


    Kind regards, 




    Moore Roscommon

    Friday 11th Aug 2017, 11:31PM
  • Thank you so much Marie for all that information-- very helpful !   We hope to return to Ireland again and will certainly seek out Creagh and area. The first time we visited I had not gotten into tracing the family so missed a golden opportunity.


    Saturday 12th Aug 2017, 06:33PM
  • Dear MJ, 


    Yes drop us a line when you are planning to visit the Creagh area. I live in the next townland to Attyrory- Ardnaglug. 





    Moore Roscommon

    Tuesday 15th Aug 2017, 10:53AM

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