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John & Anne (Mahon) Horan from Ballynamire

Looking for any relatives of John & Anne (Mahon) Horan still living in Tullamore, Offaly. They lived and farmed in Silverbrook, Ballynamire, Tullamore, Offaly with a lot of children including Bridget, Anna, James, Matthew, John, Patrick, Mary, Margaret, Mark, Catherine, Luke, Joseph, Teresa.

Anne Mahon Horan was from Killurin and her father was James and her mother was Anne McEvoy. Her brother Hugh Mahon immigrated to Austrailia and became a political figure there.

According to Irish census in both 1901 & 1911, John & Anne Horan lived in Ballynamire with their children & sometimes grandchildren. Except for Bridget, who may have been the oldest, I have found all of their birth records through Familysearch showing Tullamore as their home.

John & Anne's daughter Anna Horan (my great grandmother), born in 1865, immigrated to New York and married Peter Coffey (great grandfather), who was born in Kilcormac. According to Peter's death certificate, his father was Thomas Coffey and his mother was Anne Rigney. I think Peter's sisters were Catherine, Bridget and Anne. I don't know if anyone from Peter's family ever left Ireland.

John & Anne's daughter Catherine immigrated to New York and settled in Brooklyn marrying John Belton and welcoming many of her relatives who came over after her from Tullamore with her Brooklyn address and their father John Horan included on the passenger list document.

I would like to find out if I have Horan/Mahon/Coffey relatives still living in Offaly.


Sunday 15th Nov 2015, 01:46PM

Message Board Replies

  • Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    You could try the online Irish phone book which only has a portion of Irish phone users.

    I will also alert our parish liaison in Tullamore about your message.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 15th Nov 2015, 04:17PM
  • Hello "dolcoff1956".   I have only just found your message from 2015.   My name is Ken MAHON and my great-grandfather was the Hugh MAHON that you refer to in your message.   There are many of the MAHON clan still living in and around Tullamore.  In fact, the farm house in Killurin where Anne HORAN (nee MAHON) and her brother Hugh lived in as children still stands and is occupied and owned by Micahel MAHON (a 3rd cousin of mine).   I have visited there numerous times since the last MAHON Family Re-union took place in 2008.   There are MAHON relatives all through the USA, Canada, England and Australia.   Feel free to make contact with me if you want further information.


    Ken MAHON

    Melbourne, Australia.

    Ken MAHON

    Monday 27th Dec 2021, 05:49AM

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