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nedd to confirm that ballinade or ballinode is in this parish 

1867 august 20th marriage solemnized at rockcorry church in the parish of ematris in the co monaghan number 12 when married august 20th name and surname Richard ruth age full condition widower rank or profession miller residence at the time of marriage ballinade or ballinode fathers name and surname thomas ruth rank or profession of father head porter on railway name and surname Isabella dycher age minor condition spinster residence at the time of marriage rockcorry fathers name and surname wm dycher rank or profession of father weaver married in the district church of rockcorry according to the rites and ceremonies of the united church of England and Ireland by license by me j leinden Tarleton this marriage was solemnized between us richard ruth and Isabella x mark dycher in the presence of us g ruth light 34th regt and h mcconnell 

searching for information on the ruth family richard the groom or thomas the father and g ruth of the light 34th regt

liam hua duinn

Sunday 30th Jun 2013, 10:04AM

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    Bellanode is in the parish of Tedavnet.

    Griffiths Valuation for 1858 has William Deecher listed as having a house and garden on plot 13a in Rockcorry (which is partially in the townland of Boyher). That seems likely to be Isabella?s father. Nearby in Drumulla there was a Thomas Deecher faming 6 acres (subsistence farming). A relative perhaps?

    Tradition was to marry in the bride?s church so that?s where I?d look for her baptism and that of any siblings. A copy of the Ematris Church of Ireland parish records is held in PRONI, Belfast. This is what they have:

    C.I. Ematris (Clogher diocese) Baptisms, 1811-1980; marriages, 1811-1952; burials, 1811-83; vestry minutes, 1767-1869 with baptisms, 1753-91, and marriages, 1753-75; preachers? book, 1823-52; collections for, and distribution to, the poor of the parish, 1830-51.

    Ahoghill Antrim

    Sunday 30th Jun 2013, 11:24AM

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