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I am looking for ancestors of Patrick Caulfield, born c.1863 at Teraverty, Scotstown, Co. Monaghan, Ireland.

Patrick was the youngest of six children.

My g-Grandmother was his sister Mary Anne.

I am guessing Patrick probably emigrated ??




Monday 15th Apr 2013, 07:10PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Sean,

    I have forwarded your message onto one of our contacts for Tedavnet parish. Hopefully he will be able to assist or advise.

    Kind regards,



    Monday 27th May 2013, 12:28PM
  • Thank you Emma.

    Kind Regards,



    Monday 27th May 2013, 02:51PM
  • Hi Sean,

    Clive in Monaghan got back to me with the following:


    I know Sean from the Fermanagh GOLD mailing list and he has explored all possible avenues both on the Fermanagh and Monaghan boards.  I really don?t believe there is anything more I could do for him.  I cant help as I do not know the area or, more importantly, know people in the area who tend to be able to point you in the right direction.  However, I will certainly ask around via my contacts in the community groups.

    There are personal researchers...  A list of researchers is available from the Roslea Heritage Centre who will help but will probably charge for the service.  They should be available 10am-3pm on 0044 2867751750.   There are another group in Clones, but I cant find their details at the moment, but Roslea will have those too.

    Thursday 30th May 2013, 02:26PM
  • hi,

    I was in Monaghan last week and I met members of the CAULFIELD family, it appears Patrick 1855-1889 died at quite a young age in Monaghan.

    Thanks for all your help anyway.





    Friday 28th Jun 2013, 07:39AM
  • Caulfield

    My grandfather was a Patrick Caulfield.

    He lived in Mullagalsson Selloo County Monaghan

    He would have been 24 years older than Patrick from Teraverty Scotsdown

    His daughter , my mother Margeret is still alive and well at 94

    I had an Uncle frank from Scotsdown.


    Terry McCoy




    Monday 2nd Dec 2013, 04:12AM
  • hi Terry,

    re: I had an Uncle Frank from Scotsdown

    Was Uncle Frank a CAULFIELD ??

    If so where can you tell me where he was from in Scotstown, and when was he born ??

    The name Frank CAULFIELD appears a number of times in my family tree,.

    I know quite a bit about the CAULFIELDs from Teraverty, Aughnameena, and Clonamunsha.

    I have been tracing the family tree and am descended from a few different Scotstown families.

    My grandmother was a McGUIRK from Annagally, her mother was a McKENNA from Annahagh.

    My grandfathers mother was a CAULFIELD.




    Monday 2nd Dec 2013, 09:05AM
  • Sean:

    My Uncle Frank Caulfield was the youngest brother of my grandfather Patrick Caulfield.

    Patrick lived in Mullaglasson and Frank lived in Drumshavera  sp ? in Scotstown.

    My grandfather was born in 1878 and his father was Frank Caulfield I think his wife was a McCusker.

    The Caulfields were from Scotstown.

    Best regards,



    Monday 2nd Dec 2013, 03:43PM

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