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Looking for the McCabe's from the Parish in or around the 1820's.  My GGGrandfather Patrick came from somewhere in the area in 1847 to Ontario, Canada.  There he joined his Uncle Felix and they lived within a mile of one another. Felix was married to a Mary/Margaret Smythe/Smith in Ireland before he immigrated to Canada with some of his children, one of which was Edward b. circa 1810 in Ireland

Using the Tithe Applotments and the Irish naming convention, I have found there to be a Patrick and Felix in the Magheracloone Parish in the townlands of Lisnakeeny, Derrynascobe, Leitrim and Scalkill.

Now I need to find information on them to determine if the Patrick had a son Patrick born/christened in or about 1817.

Tried most means to records like LDS church, Ancestry, search of the internet etc to no avail.

Was wondering if someone here may be able to help me.

Greatest appreciation and thanks in advance.




Monday 17th Jun 2013, 09:19AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Thom,

    Thank you very much for your message.

    Unfortunately it may be difficult to find this baptism record given the early date. Catholic records for Magheracloone do not begin until 1836:

    Church of Ireland records generally tend to have an earlier start date so if the family were Protestant you may be able to find something there. Most surviving Church of Ireland records are still held by the local clergy, although some are in the National Archives of Ireland and others are in the Representative Church Body Library in Dublin. Here are their websites: and

    Lists of these surviving registers can also be found at the National Library of Ireland.

    It may be an idea to contact Monaghan Genealogy to see if they can be of any assistance however a fee may apply. Here is their email:

    Please be patient - as our programme has only begun to rollout across the island of Ireland and volunteers in some areas may not yet be organized.

    Kind regards,    

    Genealogy Support


    Thursday 4th Jul 2013, 03:00PM
  • Hi ..My husband is Edward Smyth from Scalkill. However there are many in the area. He is related to McCabes. Again many around..maybe we can work together. I live in NY. I do not know however if any went to Canada.
    Dawn Smyth

    Wednesday 3rd Sep 2014, 02:47AM
  • Hello Thom! Was your family perhaps from the Lindsey/Ops area of Ontario, Canada? I have letters from the late 1800's from Ireland to Kansas. And a Catherine McCabe is mentioned in them. I was able to find a marriage record of a Hugh McCabe and Mary Jane Ferris dated 1852 in Ops. It mentions his parents as the deceased Felix McCabe and Catherine Conners. (My GG Grandfather is an O'Connor) Haven't made the connection how the O'Connors and McCabes are connected. I know its a shot in the dark, but you never know. Take care, Michele

    Monday 8th Sep 2014, 01:19PM
  • Dawn, we believe Felix McCabe married Margaret Smith/Smyth(e) in Ireland. I am trying to nail down any info on them in that area. I would be happy to work with anything you might have to help in this.  I am in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada so everything I am doing is via email.  You can contact me at instead of this site.



    Monday 8th Sep 2014, 05:48PM
  • Michele, my McCabes were in the Arthur region of Ontario and they donated land for the building of St Cyprians church and cemetery in that area.  The church is now gone but the cemetery still remains with some of the original McCabes headstones.

    I know some of the family of Felix McCabe m. Mary or Margaret  Smith or Smythe moved to the US and I believe one of them was in Kansas.  This is not my direct line as Felix was the brother to my GGGgrandfather's father who remains nameless.

    You can contact me directly at should you want to follow up on this.




    Monday 8th Sep 2014, 05:57PM
  • I am related to Smyths of Scalkill and McCabes from Corlea. Would be very interested in contacting anyone in this thread to share information.

    Shaun Martin

    Sunday 18th Aug 2019, 09:55PM
  • To update the original post:  we have now found that Patrick was the son of Felix and Margaret not his nephew.  We have also learned that Patrick married a Jane Cullivan whom he had known in Ireland.  The land in Ontario for St. Cypriens was donated by another Patrick McCabe who married a Jane Flanagan.  This has caused some confusion in a lot of my research.

    We also have confirmed that Felix and Margaret (Mary) had 7 children:

    Edward b. ca 1810

    Margaret b. ca 1812

    Patrick b. ca 1813-1815

    Henry b. ca 1815

    Charles b. ca 1822

    Eleanor b. ca 1823

    Ann b. ca 1826


    This family left Ireland somewhere around 1829.

    We now believe James, an elder brother to Felix, came with them.  James came with his wife Bridget (no last name known). Their headstone is found in St. Cypriens. James died in 1847, Bridget died in 1855 at age 91.


    Monday 19th Aug 2019, 09:45AM

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