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 G/grandparents, Alexander Pollock & Elizabeth Spiers had daughter Esther Pollock, 1842, Ireland, married Robert Smith 13 March 1857, Kilmore, Monaghan Ireland. Robert Smith's father was James Smith, (Teacher in a school) married Elizabeth Lamb. I know Esther & Robert  died in Blantyre, Lanarkshire Scotland.

I would love to know of any other of Alexander & Elizabeth Pollock's family members & James & Elizabeth nee Lamb family, or any record/s.

I have the family members names of Robert & Esther Smith.

It is possible that Alexander & Elizabeth Pollock immigrated to the USA. I can't find any death records of them in Ireland. 

There  is a Margaret J. (Maggie) Pollock born 1837, Philadelphia USA married William  Gibson, in Kilmore, 1863, but is this one of my Alexander's family. ?


GIBSON MARRIAGE: 8th Dec. 1863 William Gibson son of John Gibson, Pullis, Donagh Parish, married Margaret Pollock daughter of Alexander Pollock, Nart Witnesses: John Gibson/Robert Pollock..

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


Monday 6th Jun 2016, 12:18AM

Message Board Replies

  • Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

    Have you had a look at to see if there is any record for the family? It is a subscription site but helpfully you can now subscribe for a 24 hour period. In relation to the teaching angle, some of the records of the national school system are retained at the National Archives, Dublin. There are no plans to digitize them that I know of but it is something to consider if you are planning a trip, otherwise you would have to hire a researcher to see if the school register exists and if there is any mention of your ancestor there. This would probably only take a few hours. 

    If you can find them on the Griffith's Valuation you can (in theory) locate who paid the rate on the land up to the 1980s. You can learn more HERE

    Hope this offers some pointers!

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 6th Jul 2016, 10:55AM

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