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John McCredden (b 1782) married Mary Woods(b.1974) in Aughnacloy around 1820. With 9 children they emmigrated to Victoria in 1850. Nearly all McCredden's in Australia today come from this family. I would love to know more about where they came from.



Cathy Glover, a ggg-grandaughter.

Thursday 22nd Oct 2015, 07:47AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Cathy

    Earliest records for the RC parish of Errigal Trough begin in 1835 so there will be no baptisms for any children baptised in the parish prior to this. There are a couple of McCrudden  entries on the Griffith's Valuation, focused mostly on Monaghan:…

    The village of Aughnocloy is actually in Co. Tyrone just across the Monaghan border in the civil parish of Carntell. Can you let me know how you believe Aughnacloy comes into the picture?

    All the best

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Thursday 22nd Oct 2015, 09:25AM
  • Australian BDM certificates are quite detailed. His death certificate state he was born in Arigel, County Tyrone and married in Arigel, County Monaghan. On Mary's death certificate it states that she was born and married in Arigel, County Monaghan. They must have lived near the border. I'm not sure where I got the reference to Aughnacloy from now! It may have been from the Irish family History Foundation. They weren't RC.




    Thursday 22nd Oct 2015, 11:12PM

    I have an interest in Errigle or Errigal (Barony of Trough) in Co Monaghan, where I was born and also Victoria State in S E Australia where my eldest son's family is now living.

    I can relate to the name McCrudden (may not be precise spelling) in Errigal Parish, which incidentally is Anglican. Note, there is an Arigal (known to me as Errigal) in both Co Monaghan and Co Tyrone, no more than six miles distance from each other.

    The border town nearby is Aughnacloy.  

    My E Mail is    I am researching the surnames WRIGHT and McCrudden and HALL  and would like to hear from interested parties   Sincerely Mr W G Wright





    Thursday 17th Mar 2016, 01:55PM

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