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I am descended from James Geoghegan and Anne McEneaney of Greagh in the civil parish of Ballybay and county of Monaghan.

James and Anne had at least 8 children from 1851 through 1873: Luke, Thomas, John, Bridget, Catherine, Alice May, James and Peter. It appears they also had a Mary in the 1850's.

My ancestor was Catherine, who emigrated to the US around 1883 and married James Kelly in New York in 1885.

Thomas, Bridget, James and Peter also ended up in the New York area. I don't know what became of Thomas. Bridget married a Tetreau and then James Condra. James married Bridget Barrett. Peter married Susan Banta.

Luke and John emigrated to Liverpool, and John enlisted in the Royal Artillery, spending many years abroad in India. I don't know what became of him after 1892, and I don't know what became of Luke.

Alice May emigrated to New Zealand and married Peter McAra.

I am looking for more information on my ancestral Geoghegan and McEneaney families and would like to find cousins who are also descended from these families. Any assistance would be appreciated.

Thank you!


Friday 7th Dec 2012, 05:35AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi thanks for your mesage and interest in Ireland Reaching Out.


    You already seem to have done a lot of work on your family tree! Unfortunatley we do not have any volunteers set up in the Monaghan area just yet that would be able to assist you further.


    However, perhaps you could try to place an advertisement in some of the local newsletters/messageboards reaching out to any descendants that may be in the area or at least someone that may be able to give you more information.


    I found a website that may be of some use for this at the following link:


    Aslo the Northern Standard is an online newspaper that circulates in Monaghan, perhaps you could try and place an ad here too:


    You could also contact the Ulster Historical Foundation. However, they may charge a fee for their services. Here is their contact information:

    49 Malone Road,

    Belfast BT9 6RY,

    Northern Ireland.

    Phone: +44 (0) 2890661988       Email:


    I hope this is of some help to you. Please be patient - as our programme has only begun to rollout across the island of Ireland and volunteers in some areas are not yet organized.

    Kind regards,                    

    Genealogy Support 


    Monday 4th Feb 2013, 01:33PM

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