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My great great grandfather Eugene Banigan  was born in Ireland around 1833. Lookin for possible relatives. he came to the US  and settled for a while in St. Louis and worked on the river. He took his family back to R.I. after he rretired in the 1880s.

Tuesday 17th Dec 2013, 04:34PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi,

    Thanks again for your message. I hope someone with information Banigans in Monaghan makes a connection with you. As I suggested on your post on the Boyle page it may be an idea to also place this message in a more local forum to increase the likelihood of someone who recognises the family seeing it. Here are some places it may be possible to do so:

    • Genealogy forum for Monaghan:

    • Local Parish newsletter:

    • Local newspaper:

    Have you tried looking in the 1901/1911 census records to see if you can find any record of Eugene and his family? If not, you can do so here:

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support


    Thursday 13th Feb 2014, 11:34AM

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