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I'm looking to connect my GGG grandparents to their Irish roots.

Thomas Woods b. 1822 in Leinster.  His parents were Patrick Woods and Margaret Smith.

Wife of Thomas Woods:

Elizabeth Cusack b. 1825 in Ireland.  Her parents were James Cusack and Bridget MacCullough.


Any clues or information would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you,


Wednesday 27th Mar 2013, 07:55PM

Message Board Replies


    Do you know much about their emigration? The dates, the reasonwhy they left, who they may have travelled with?..etc..Generally more information was given atthe port of arrival rather than the port of departure. If you knew which city they arrived at (e.g.Liverpool, New York, etc.), this could be a good place to find more information. -And perhaps evenfind out an exact place of origin. Ellis Island: Castlegarden: US National Archives/Immigration info: The Boston Pilot; From October 1831 through October 1921, the Boston Pilot newspaper printed a?Missing Friends? column with advertisements from people looking for ?lost? friends and relativeswho had emigrated from Ireland to the United States. This extraordinary collection of 40,743 recordsis available here as a searchable online database, which contains a text record for each ad thatappeared in the Pilot. The next thing you could do is find the counties and places in Ireland your family names are mostprevalent. Look at the website and perhapssomething will match some other clue you may have found elsewhere? If nothing turnsup ? it is advisable to try different variations of the spellings of the names. If you have a possiblefirst name you could try the Irish Census 1901, 1911 at or the landvaluation record called Griffiths Valuation


    Thursday 28th Mar 2013, 01:49PM
  • Okay... your recommendation on Castlegarden was great.  From that I was able to put a few pieces together and found out a number of facts that I didn't know before.

    1.  Thomas Woods was married to Elizabeth "Bessie or Bettie" Cusack in Ireland around 1850 and were RC.

    2.  They were farmers.

    3.  They had a son, born in Ireland in 1851, named John

    4.  They immigrated to the U.S. aboard the Lady Franklin, departing from Liverpool and arriving in New York on 12 Jan 1852.

    5.  With them on their journey were Thomas' siblings Ann b. 1834 and Patrick b. 1832 both in Ireland.

    But, I still cannot find where in Ireland they were from as there was no indication in the immigration documents that I found.  I am actually just targeting Leinster and Connaught because that seems to have the most Woods and Cusack families.

    If you can tell me where I might more clues, it would be great.  or, perhaps, you could put me in touch with a geneological research person, who might help me.

    Anyway your direction was extremely helpful and,



    Saturday 30th Mar 2013, 05:16PM
  • Okay... your recommendation on Castlegarden was great.  From that I was able to put a few pieces together and found out a number of facts that I didn't know before.

    1.  Thomas Woods was married to Elizabeth "Bessie or Bettie" Cusack in Ireland around 1850 and were RC.

    2.  They were farmers.

    3.  They had a son, born in Ireland in 1851, named John

    4.  They immigrated to the U.S. aboard the Lady Franklin, departing from Liverpool and arriving in New York on 12 Jan 1852.

    5.  With them on their journey were Thomas' siblings Ann b. 1834 and Patrick b. 1832 both in Ireland.

    But, I still cannot find where in Ireland they were from as there was no indication in the immigration documents that I found.  I am actually just targeting Leinster and Connaught because that seems to have the most Woods and Cusack families.

    If you can tell me where I might more clues, it would be great.  or, perhaps, you could put me in touch with a geneological research person, who might help me.

    Anyway your direction was extremely helpful and,



    Saturday 30th Mar 2013, 05:16PM

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