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I am searching for information on Michael O'Brien who married Bridget Casey. I know that they had two sons; Patrick born about 1850 and William born about 1858. The brothers immigrated to New York between 1865 and 1868. William married in New York about 1875. Patrick married about 1874. Both brothers went to Cambridge, Massachusetts where they were junk dealers.

I can follow their lives in Massachusetts and New York. Both their death certificates have Michael O'Brien and Bridget Casey as parents.

A family memeber had said that she thought the brothers were from County Kerry. Other than that I have no information.

I can't not find them on any ships manifest coming together or with parents.

Any information would be great appreciated.

Thank you.




Monday 25th Mar 2013, 07:14PM

Message Board Replies


    Hello Barbara

    Thanks for your message

    Have you searched for the newspaper obituaries of the two brothers? Their home county could be mentioned in one of these notices.

    Best regards Michael

    Thursday 25th Apr 2013, 12:47PM

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