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I am searching to find out where my ancestor is from in Ireland.

His marker states that he was from the Parish of Newtown but I'm not sure what the reference is to "Ballyha."

Below is his grave marker. He and his wife are buried in Middletown, CT, US

Any assistance wouild be greatly appreciated.

David Stack

Sheedy and Hannah McNamara marker


Tuesday 7th Apr 2015, 02:28AM

Message Board Replies

  • I wonder if it could be Aglishcloghane Parish - there is a townland called Ballyhaugh in that parish in Co. Tipperary? There is a Newtown near Nenagh, Co. Tipperary too…

    Best wishes
    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Tuesday 7th Apr 2015, 11:32AM
  • I think another possible match  is the RC parish of Ballyhea or Newtown in Co. Cork. Located just south of Charleville. See Parish of Ballhea/Ballyhay or Newtown (, RC Parishes N.W. Co. Cork and Ballyhea Parish details (Irish Times)


    Shane Wilson, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 7th Apr 2015, 02:45PM
  • Thank you very much, Clare.

    I'll keep searching.



    Friday 10th Apr 2015, 12:51AM
  • Thank you very much!




    Friday 10th Apr 2015, 12:52AM
  • Hi David

    this is a little off the wall but on FB I have liked a page on Railways and this photo showing only a field and bridge was posted yesterday titled Dublin Cork train at Ballyhea Newtown Gates which as the previous volunteer said is near Rathluirc, Charlville I think.

    Just thought you might like to see it,

    The person posts a lot of photos of hte Cork trains.



    St Peters Louth, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Wednesday 15th Apr 2015, 09:38PM
  • I believe this OSI map (c1900) shows those double railway crossings, just east of Newtown Chapel. The chapel is shown as St. Mary's on this map, and as 'Newtown R.C.  Chapel' on the earlier c1839 map.

    (the townland just to the east is named Newtown).

    Shane Wilson, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 16th Apr 2015, 06:48AM
  • Hi Brian


    Just a note re your Sheedy McNamara.

    Newtown is an adjoining parish of Ballyhea, and they are both in the Diocese of Cloyne, Co Cork.

    However Newtown is really Newtownshandrum, and it is in the RC Parish of Shandrum, where as Ballyhea has a parish of its own named Ballyhea (townlands in Ballyhea include places like Sorrel, Knockardamrum). 

    Sixmilebridge is also another Sheedy/McNamara parish. 

    You will find lots of them in Clare because it was a stronghold of the Sheedy McNamara's who were the kingmakers of Thomond. By which I mean it was their job of the centuries to inaugarate the Kings (O'Briens) of the district of Thomond (roughly Clare, Tipperary, Limerick and Waterford). 

    Both the O'Briens and Sheedy McNamara's were descendants of Cas - the O'Briens were politico-expansionists and the Sheedys were the defenders of the land, culture, people and place and had strong connections with the Roman Catholic church since the 400's (A.D),

    Any Sheedy McNamara can (and did) use the known alias of Sheedy (Sheady, Sheddy, Sheedey) Silk, Mack, or Macnamara/McNamara.

    Anyone who is a Sheedy is a descendant/kin of the main two Sheedy McNamara branches, and even in the 1840's in Ireland there were specific family members who were appointed leaders of the regional clans  (usually known as 'Sheedy McNamara - that is his first name would be dropped and he would just be known as Sheedy McNamara).

    So if you have a Sheedy McNamara he will usually be a leader in his community.

    There are Sheedy Mcnamara's in this Cork region  (a lot of them!). However they add or drop the Sheedy or the McNamara at will.

    Do you know Johanna's maiden name?  I ask because it will help to identify the christian name of your Sheedy McNamara.

    At first glance I wondered if this couple was Michael Sheedy who married Johanna Hayes in 1844 in Ballyhea, no children born after that time, so I wondered if they emigrated.

    In 1815 a James McNamara was christened in Ballyhea parish, son of Sheedy McNamara and Margaret Connor.

    IN 1825 a Sheedy McNamara witnesses the marriage of Elizabeth McNamara (who married Pat Rowan) in Ballyhea

    In the 1830's a Mary Sheedy married a James Hickey in Ballyhea, but in a couple of their children's christening she is also named Mary McNamara, so she too is a Sheedy McNamara.


    I have a lot of others, - there was a few families who migrated to USA - but if you know the maiden name of your Johannah/Hannah then I could search my records for you.


    Do you know when the family emigrated?  I see they had a daughter Mary in 1846 and a son John 1848 both in Portland, Middlesex, Connecticut so I am wondering if they came straight there from Ireland.


    cheers from Australia

    Jinny Fawcett

    Jinny Fawcett

    Friday 22nd Jun 2018, 05:26AM
  • 5-their grand son Admiral George E Patey founded the Australian Navy. 

    4-theri aon was admiral thomas macnamara russelll born in Clare Ireland 

    3-daugher MacNamara marred Ruseell

    -From Ballyala, county clare, 

    1-Sheedy MacNamara 





    Monday 20th Apr 2020, 06:47PM
  • Hello:  I am also descended from this Sheedy McNamara.  My great grandfather was Michael Sheedy who emigrated from Waterford/Clonmel/Carrick on Suir area and was a stonemason.  The Sheedy McNamara of which you write lived in Middletown/Portland, CT because of the quarry there.  Many of the finest homes in Hartford, Connecticut were built by the sheedys and quarried by the sheedys/mcnamaras, sheedy-mcnamaras.  

    The Parish you are looking for is Newtown-Kill in Waterford, the Ballyha was probably a townland in that area.  


    My Gedmatch is SR5378615 if you're interested in matching.  I have a tree on ancestry.  


    Saturday 27th Mar 2021, 01:19AM
  • Hello,

    Thank you very much. I have not checked in on this message Board for a long time. What is the name of your tree on Ancestry? From what I have found, Sheedy McNamara’s brother was Denis Sheedy who passed away. Sheedy and Dennis’ wife and kids emigrated to Middletown, CT. He worked in a brownstone quarry and he was killed in an accident at the quarry.

    David Stack


    Sunday 5th Nov 2023, 01:57AM

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