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We are planning a trip to Ireland and will be there in just over a week from now.  I had hired a genealogist who has traced my family back to the Navan Parish area.

The information that I have is my great great great grandfather, Patrick Lynch Sr. (1777)  was married to Catherine Donnelly (1787).  Patrick had two siblings, Bridget Lynch and John Lynch.

Their parents are Hugh Lynch and Christian McKane.  The only information I have for them is the year 1754.  We believe that Christian died in Athboy on September 17, 1794.

I am looking for anything possible.  Where anyone may be burried, any possible living relatives that may still be in the area.  I would appreciate any information that can be found or any direction that can be given.

Thank you for your help!  Kathy

Sunday 18th Aug 2013, 02:43PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Kathy,

    Thank you very much for your message. I hope that someone with information contacts you before your holiday!

    In the meantime it may be an idea to try to make an appointment with the local parish priest. He may be able to advise you as to what records are available and which graveyard would most likely be used given the time period. He may also know of any Lynchs or Donnelly?s still in the area.Here are the contact details:

    I hope that you have a lovely visit!

    Please be patient - as our programme has only begun to rollout across the island of Ireland and volunteers in some areas may not yet be organized.

    All the best,

    Genealogy Support


    Wednesday 21st Aug 2013, 12:19PM
  • Thank you for your response and suggestions.  However, I have emailed them twice and have had no response.  I guess my best bet will be to see if I can make contact with them directly when we arrive.


    Thursday 22nd Aug 2013, 03:13PM

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