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My Great Grandfather, Terence Gillick and several of his siblings left Ireland and came to the US sometime between 1841-1854.  One brother (Owen Gillick) died in Oregon, USA.  Terence and his sister Julia, filed affidavits to claim their brother's small estate.  These affidavits turned out to contain the information I had been searching for, the place of their birth in Ireland.  In part it reads as follows:  

"Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Suffolk Ss.  Boston Sept 6th AD1878

  I Julia Trumbull, of that part of Boston, called Boston Highlands, wife of James Trumbull, on oath dispose and say that my maiden name was Julia Gillick; that Owen Gillick, who died at Portland, in the state of Oregon, about one year ago last Christmas, was my own brother; that we were children of Terence Gillick and Mary Gillick, his wife, who both resided and died in the Parish Navan, County Meath in Ireland; that there were other children born of said Terence Gillick and Mary Gillik, his wife, viz;   Ann, James and Michael Gillick, who were born prior to said Owen, Thomas and Margaret Gillick, who were born susequent to the birth of said Owen and prior to my own birth, and lastly, Terence Gillick, named after his father, and who was the youngest. . . I am now about fifty six years old; that all the children above named of said Terence, the father and his wife Mary, were born in said Parish Navan, County Meath in Ireland, and that all of the said children are now dead, except myself and my youngest brother, viz Terence Gillick. . . . I came to the United States in the month of November, A.D., 1851, that I landed at said Boston, and that I have ever since resided here. " 

Further information is given in the affidavits:  Mary Hurley, wife of John Hurley of said Boston, say that my maiden name was Mary Riley and I was born in said Parish Navan, County of Meath, in Ireland and came to the US in April 1851. . . I am first cousin to said Julia Trumbull.     Also, Ann O'Neill of Boston, wife of John O'Neill of Boston, say that my maiden name was Ann Riley, and that I was born said Parish Navan, County Meath, in Ireland, that I came to the US in 1851 with Mary Hurley and that I am second cousin to said Julia Trumbull"  

I know this family was Roman Catholic and that all of the Navan Parish records have been lost to fire.  No other records appear to still exist.  I am searching for any further information on the Gillick (McGillick) or Riley families in Navan.  I would especially like to know where the Gillick parents:  Terence and Mary are buried.  

The children in birth order again are:  Ann, James, Michael, Owen, Thomas, Margaret, Julia (b. Oct 1820), and Terrence (b. 1837)

I believe that Ann, Michael, and Thomas remained in Ireland and that the others came to the US.  Any information greatly appreciated. 




Thursday 25th Oct 2012, 03:51AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi

    I've forwarded your request to a volunteer who might be able to assist or advise you.

    kind regards,


    Thursday 22nd Nov 2012, 02:35PM
  • Hello,

    The Terrence Gillick (b.1837) was my great grandfather, from his son John Gilick. I was hoping to find out if you were able to discover where his parents (Terence and Mary) were buried? Thank you for any info!

    Sunday 18th Mar 2018, 05:27PM

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