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Hello, I am researching my family's history in Ireland and know that my ggg grandmother, Mary Tigue was baptized in Navan Parish, County Meath, on 11/12/1796.  I believe her parents to be Elizabeth Cassidy and William Tigue/Tighe, also of the same parish.  Her maternal grandparents were probably Catherine Ward and Roger Cassidy.  I know that her death certificate (from Durham, England) states that her husband was Patrick Flynn (who I believe to be the Patrick Flynn who was baptized on March 1, 1795 in Bantry, Cork).  Mary and Patrick had 5 children (John, Martin, Bartholmew, Honora/Nora/Ann (my gg grandmother), and Terence).  I assume Mary and Patrick's marriage took place in Navan Parish.  Would you have any information on the life of Mary and Patrick, her parents, and their children?  Thank you so much for your help in locating my family members.

Susan Hoffman   

Friday 5th Feb 2016, 07:02PM

Message Board Replies

  • Susan:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Unfortunately, the Navan RC records for marriages start in 1853 and the baptismal records have a large gap between 1813 and 1842.  Presumably the children of Patrick and Mary were born in the gap period.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 5th Feb 2016, 08:48PM

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