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Looking for Marriage Details for :

Patirick HORGAN bc 1807, Cork, Ireland married Catherine HAYES bc 1808, Michelstown, Cork, Ireland.

Daughter Jane HORGAN bc 1830 Cork.

Living in London by 1836.:

Children born in England:

Catherine bc 1836

Mary Frances b 10 Aug 1837

Elizabeth bc Jan 1841

Anne bc 1844

1 Child born in Sydney:

Elisabeth: b 6 Mar 1846

26 Oct 1843 :Departed from Cork, Ireland on the"Neptune"

Feb 1844: Arrived Sydney, Australia

10 Feb 1867: Patrick HORGAN was noted as a 'Blacksmith' on a daughter's Marriage Certificate.

31 Mar 1875: Catherine HORGAN nee HAYES dies Ingelwood, Victoria, Australia

25 Oct 1880: Patrick HORGAN dies Inglewood Hospital, Victoria, Australia

Any Further Information gratefully received,



Tuesday 1st Jan 2013, 04:06AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello Gina, have been asked to look over older queries on this site and have looked for your records, there appears to be nothing I can locate, Mitchelstown in Cork according to the Registers site is missing baptism for the years in question, both Horgan and Hayes are names more likely to be found in the southern counties also. The registers site is here assuming they were RC, have checked Roots Ireland also, a subscription site.

    Since your query was posted eons ago the church records for Cork have been put online and are free on this site following link 

    Click on Church records when you open it and put Cork in the place, very few counties are on it, civil records only commence fully in 1864 and are under civil. 

    There are a couple of Pat Horgans in the Cork area born in your time range but not knowing parents it is not possible to locate a specific one.

    Good Luck


    Pat O Holloran, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Thursday 22nd Feb 2024, 11:49PM

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