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Anyone familiar with surname history in the Mitchelstown, Kildorrery, Glanworth, Kilworth, and Fermoy areas?

Also, anyone familiar with history of horse breeding farms in the Fermoy and Kilworth areas?

Saturday 21st Jun 2014, 08:57PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Kevin,

    Our volunteers usually deal in specifics.  Have you got the name for the person for whom you are searching?  Please try to give us as much information that you have, names , dates, places, parents' names, etc..

    We will do our best to help you,

    Kind regards,

    Anne Dennehy

    Sunday 22nd Jun 2014, 10:56AM
  • Anne,

    Thank you for your reply. I had posted an earlier note but didn't get a reply so tried a more generic approach.

    My grandfather Patrick Hanley and granmother Mary Elizabeth Cahalane were both from the Mitchelstown/Kildorrery/Glanworth/Kilworth/Fermoy areas. While I'm interested in more information on my Grandmothers family and ancestors, I am currently trying to clarify information on my Great Grandfather Patrick Hanly and his family and ancestors.

    First on Mary Elizabeth Cahalane, her parents were Patrick Cahalane and Anne Luddy who married at the Mitchelstown RC Church in 1870. Anne's parents were Timothy Luddy and Bridget Moher who lived in the Coolyregan townland near Mitchelstown. I have no firm information on Patrick Cahalane except that it appears he came from the Kildorrery area and that Patrick and Anne probably lived there as well. Their first daughter Mary Elizabeth was baptized in the Glanworth RC Church in 1873, followed by a sister Bridget in 1875 and brother William in 1876. She emigrated in 1898 and met and married my Grandfather Patrick J Hanley in St Louis Missouri USA in 1900.

    My Grandfather Patrick J Hanley's parents were Patrick Hanly and Catherine Broderick (also listed as Broder). His parents were married in the Kilworth RC Church in 1836.  Church records indicate they had 8 children: Margaret 1837, William 1838, William 1840, Mary 1846, Bridget 1848, Johanna 1851, Michael 1855, and my Grandfather Patrick 1859. All children werre baptized in the Kilworth RC Church except Michael and Patrick who werre baptized in the Glanworth RC Church.

    Griffith's valuation 1852 records indicate that Patrick and Catherine Hanly lived on the estate of the Earl of Mountcashel in Killaly West, Kilworth. Not sure if they moved between 1851 and 1855 to the Glanworth area since the last two children were baptized there.

    My family story that has been passed down through word of mouth said that Great Grandfather was involved in race horse breeding. Also that there was some sort of probate settlement that resulted in payments to his son Patrick's children in the 1920s. 

    I am currently looking for help to further clarify the family of Patrick and Catherine Hanly and in particular information on my Great Grandfather Patrick Hanly. I do not know yet when he died or any information on a possible will or probate settlement that may have occurred in the 1920s. I suspect, due to his age, that he would have died prior to 1900 but have not frim dat on that.

    Anne, I have a lot of supporting details for the above summary and can provide any of it if it will help you. My wife and I will be in Ireland 14-23 July and will be traveling to the County Cork area to visit the towns and townlands where my ancestors lived and continue our research. I'm trying to make this visit as successful as possible and know that taking with local genealogists or historians will be helpful. Any help in identifying the right people to talk to about these families whould also be appreciated.

    Thanks for your help. Looking forward to hearing from you.


    Monday 23rd Jun 2014, 06:34PM
  • Hello Kevin,

    Wow!!   I'm blown away by the amount of research that you have done on your family tree.  I have to say that I wasn't aware that you had all this information and I'm sorry to say that I can't think of a single idea of where you may go from here.  You seem to have covered all bases, and I wonder if you know how lucky you have been to be able to find out so much.  So many people on this site never get as far as you have done.

    The index for wills and probate can be found on the national archives website so maybe you could have a look there.   However there would only be a probate record if he actually owned land or property.

    I think that you have done as much paper work as is possible to do, and now you must chat to the local priest or publican who may be able to direct you.  There is always a person in each parish who can remember the history and families that lived there so the local priest or publican may be able to direct you to such a person.

    You will probably want to search the graveyards of the churches where your people lived to see if there are any headstones or memorials.  It's possible that there might not be a headstone for Patrick or his family.  Usually only well heeled people of substance were able to afford tombstones.  Most ordinary folk were buried with just a stone to mark their grave.  Family members would always know where they were buried.  However, as it was probably late in the 19th century when he died then it's always worth looking.

    You should go online and see if these parish graveyards have been documented.  Many parishes around the country are now recording local graveyards, so it's worth a try.  

    I hope you have a lovely trip to Ireland and connect with the locals,

    Kind regards,

    Anne Dennehy


    Monday 23rd Jun 2014, 09:51PM
  • Anne,

    Thanks for your note. I suppose I am luck to have gotten as far as I have, but it has been an easy path. I hope I'm able to use my limited time well when we are there. I'll definitely search out the local priests and publicans to see what they may add.

    Thanks again.


    Monday 23rd Jun 2014, 11:34PM
  • Kevin

    Pat and wife Anne Cahalane & son William in the 1911 census lived in Ballyenehan (Derryvillane). Labourer.

    RegardsSeamus Fox

    Tuesday 24th Jun 2014, 03:37PM
  • Thanks Seamus. I plan to visit that area.


    Tuesday 24th Jun 2014, 05:13PM
  • Thanks Anne and Seamus! Best of Luck with the search Kevin!


    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 25th Jun 2014, 09:31AM

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