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I've been looking for John Jilson Preston for 30 years. He was born about 1743 in Meath. I don't know the town. I only know what what my father told me. John came to the state of Virginia with five or six brothers in the late 1700's. I don't kinow how old he was or whether he was married when he came or married here. As far as we know he was the only one to stay in Virginia for a time. He could not read or write and was possibly a carpenter( it's a talent that runs in the family) .He and his son Jilson or Gilson came to Kentucky about 1801 to sell some land that Jilson owned.

I don't know how old boys were back then before they would leave home to be on their own, but it could have been about the age of 15. He may hve had older brothers that he came oveer wityh. I can't find any info on where he would have left Ireland from or any passenger lists. I do know one thing, my aunt Pauline is very wrong when she says that we are connected to the Gormanston Prestons.

If anyone has any information that would help me PLEASE contact me.


Diane Carey


Friday 27th Dec 2013, 04:26AM

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