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My ggggrandfather was Matthew Slavin, born about 1824,emigrated to the US about 1845. Catholic dairy farmers, settled eventually in Illinois. He married a woman named Anna Coffee who was also Irish by birth, but I don't know if they married here or back home. They lived at first in New York, possibly near Saratoga. I suspect they did marry here because their first child is born a few years after the emigration.

Some years ago at a family reunion I believe I heard that someone had traced Matthew to Meath but I cannot confirm it with any documentary proof. Basically I know all of their descendants but can find nothing about their own siblings or parents.

Recently another Slavin and I discovered we are likely cousins, per DNA results. He lives in New York, and is descended from Irish immigrants Patrick Slavin and Rosana Duff, who settled near Schenectady. Patrick was born in Ireland about 1823 and came to the US a few years after Matthew, about 1851. Apparently Rosana Duff is confirmed to have been from Meath, and Patrick may have been too but no documentary proof has been found.

So in view of the DNA test this other American Slavin and I are wondering if Matthew and Patrick were perhaps brothers. Any tips for how I might figure out if there was a Catholic family, probably farming, with brothers Matthew and Patrick Slavin, in Meath in the 1820s?and more importantly if I could then connect them to living people who may be our cousins too.

Thursday 24th May 2018, 03:57AM

Message Board Replies

  • J:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I searched on the subscription site Roots Ireland and did not find any baptismal records for a Matthew or Patrick Slavin/Slevin in the 1820s. There are 1829 and 1832 Rose Duff baptismal records but without knowing her parents you can't confirm these records. Also, did not find a Patrick Slavin/Slevin-Rosanna Duff marriage record.There are a number of Co. Meath RC parishes where records start in the 1830s or later.

    Your message indicates that someone had confirmed that Rosana Duff was from Meath. What is the evidence to support the confirmation?

    I would try to get copies of the death records for Matthew, Patrick or Rosanna and if they lived a long life maybe the parents names are provided.

    I suggest that you add Matthew's story to our XO Chronicles site and maybe somewhat will notice a connection and comment.…

    Your DNA test may give you more clues over time.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 24th May 2018, 11:14PM
  • Well thank you so much for the quick and helpful reply. Honestly I haven't seen the proof he has for Rosana Duff being from Meath, it was something he said he was sure of but I have no idea why. And the mention of Meath at a family reunion was just a rumor. I should try and follow that too, I'll ask my dad if he remembers who said it and how they knew.

    It's a good idea to check the death certificates, perhaps I can find them.

    It's so frustrating to not know even which county it may be. Strange to me too that the family has so much information about all the descendants but just silence about where they came from.

    Anyway, thanks again, I didn't even know about the Chronicle part of the site, I'll check it.

    Friday 25th May 2018, 01:23AM
  • Hi! This is just an observation but Saratoga and Schenectady are in close proximity to each other but would not necessary to be a coincidence. Bob Caldwell (Australia) whose ancestor Robert Caldwell ( Co. Antrim, IRE) resided in a neighbouring area of NYS from 1764 - 1779.

    Bendigo Bob

    Friday 25th May 2018, 01:22PM

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