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Bernard and Bridget Keogan were born around 1790 and came to the US around 1850 with their sons Thomas (born about 1822) and Michael (born about 1830) and their daughter Mary (born 07 Nov 1820).  Michael married Margaret Gilligan.  Mary married Lawrence Farrell.  They were in Saugerties, NY until 1864, then they went west to Minnesota and settled there in 1865.  I believe Thomas returned to Ireland in 1895 and was living with cousins in Cavan in 1901.  I have not confirmed this is him, however.  I also found a death record for Jan-Mar 1902 for a Thomas Keogan in Oldcastle.  Again, not sure if this is him.  I would like to find out where in Meath they are from, Bridget's maiden name, birthdates, and if they had any more children.

Thank you!


Tuesday 11th Jun 2013, 03:17PM

Message Board Replies

  • Jennifer:

    Some speculation for your consideration. Christopher Keogan lived in Munterconnaught parish which is a Cavan parish which borders Co.Meath. Likely Christopher was a son of a brother to Bernard. I looked at the ten Keogan records in the 1854 Griffiths Valuation head of houshold listing for Co. Meath. Most of the individuals were in parishes not on the border. One parish, Kilskeer, is on the border with Cavan and probably near Munterconnaught. The Mormon Church has microfilmed the RC church records for Kilskeer (Kilskyre) parish. You can order the film online  and view the film at a local Family History Center near you.

    Roger McDonnell


    Source Surname First Name Townland Parish County  
    Griffith Keogan Anne Scurlockstown Burry Co. Meath  
    Griffith Keogan Jane Martinstown Athboy Co. Meath  
    Griffith Keogan Michael Altmush Nobber Co. Meath  
    Griffith Keogan Nicholas Martinstown Athboy Co. Meath  
    Griffith Keogan Patrick Kilskeer Kilskeer Co. Meath  
    Griffith Keogan Peter Kilskeer Kilskeer Co. Meath  
    Griffith Keogan Terence Corballis Kildalkey Co. Meath  
    Griffith Keogan Thomas Herbertstown Killallon Co. Meath  
    Griffith Keogan Thomas Clegarrow Rathcore Co. Meath  
    Griffith Keogan William Clondoogan Laracor Co. Meath

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 11th Jun 2013, 04:54PM
  • Thank you so much.  I have actually been focusing my attention on Kilskeer.  I am also speculating that Bernard and Christopher's father Christopher are brothers.  However, nobody knows who Christy's father is, or Bernard's. All the first names match.  Here's an interesting twist - my mom's aunt spoke of a Keogan relative who danced on Broadway about 1950.  Whether she knew they were actually related or was only speculating because of the name, it turns out this dancer actually exists, and she is a descendant of Christopher Keogan of Cavan.  Coincidence?  She and I exchanged messages on a board about 10 years ago, but we had no idea if there was actually a connection.

    I have scoured every record possible and can find nothing on this family in Ireland.  The only thing that came close was a record of a Bryan GEGAN of Kilskeer and a Bernard GEOGHEGAN of Teltown.  (He went by Bryan in the States, and there is speculation our name may have been Geoghegan at one time).  And, I found a baptismal record for John and Peter GAHAGAN in 1823.  Parents' names were Bryan and Bridt.  That's it.

    I will try the microfilm now that I have searched everything I could possibly find online.  Thanks for your help.



    Wednesday 12th Jun 2013, 06:26PM
  • So, I was googling my grandfather who shares my name and found this thread. I know little about my fathers side of the family only that Christy Keogan, my grandfather, was originally from cavan. He fought in world war 1 and had a brother called Horace who died in France in 1915. If I can answer any questions, I will.

    Thursday 7th Aug 2014, 01:08PM
  • Hi Chris,

    I don't know why I haven't seen your response before now...but since I posted, I have confirmed through dna that the descendant of Christopher and I are related.  Whether Bernard and Christopher were brothers or their fathers were has not been confirmed.  So, nice to meet you, cousin!  If you ever have your dna tested, please let me know!  


    Sunday 20th Mar 2016, 05:44AM
  • Hi Chris,

    I don't know why I haven't seen your response before now...but since I posted, I have confirmed through dna that the descendant of Christopher and I are related.  Whether Bernard and Christopher were brothers or their fathers were has not been confirmed.  So, nice to meet you, cousin!  If you ever have your dna tested, please let me know!  


    Sunday 20th Mar 2016, 05:44AM
  • Hi Jennifer, 

    I probably won't be DNA testing myself but I spoke to my Dad and all he could tell me was His Dads (Christy) side of the family were either dead or in the US when he was born. My Grandfather Christopher and his two Brothers Horace and John fought throughout World War 1 with my grandad being placed as a Sergeant with the Royal Irish Fusiliers on the French lines and the two younger brothers joining when they came of age. Christopher was injured in France, (shot 3 times) and was placed on medical leave. 

    Unfortunately Horace and John were used as cannon fodder in the British Assault on Turkey and were killed in the first wave. I'm not sure the Christopher you mentioned is the same one since Grandad spend most of his later life in Dublin but it's still possible if he spent a lot of his early life in Cavan. (Something else I'm investigating).

    He moved to Dublin after the war with my Grandmother Agnes (Drimnagh, Dublin City) and lived there until his death in the late 50's.

    He never fully recovered from the horrors he saw in the war. I've asked my dad to ask his older sister if she can give me any details about Christophers mother, father and siblings. Soon as I know more I'll drop a message here.

    Kind Regards


    Monday 21st Mar 2016, 08:08PM

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