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Hi , im trying to locate any history on a Michael Hart who was born in Meath circ 1801-1803  , Michael was transported to Sydney , as a convict from Monaghan , after spending 9months on the Essex Hulk  in Dún Laoghaire Harbour south of Dublin . The transport being the "Countess of Harcourt" on the 28th June 1827. Michael subsequently married after getting his freedom and led a substantial and productive life in the Braidwood NSW Australia district leaving appx 5000 extended descendents today across Australia....only problem being i cant find any family history of him over there . Any assistance would be greatly appreciated ....kindest regards .

Ps...For what its worth Michael's children were called in order Joseph ,Mary,Thomas,Charlotte.  consequent names appearing down the line thru the 1800/early1900s always run Michael joseph /Joseph michael/Thomas james/Charlotte bridget and so on...

If anyone has any research/request for info in Australia for whatever purpose please ask anytime.

Friday 5th Feb 2016, 11:51PM

Message Board Replies

  • Barry:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I checked Roots Ireland from 1798-1808 and there were no Michael Hart baptismal records in Co. Meath. Likely the church he was baptized in no longer has records back to 1800.

    You mention 5000 descendants in Australia but you may want to consider autosomal DNA testing. Possibly you might match with someone in the USA, Canada, England or Ireland who has more information about your Harts in Ireland.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 6th Feb 2016, 01:44AM
  • Hi Barry

    I am a Michael Hart researcher in Australia.

    Most of the information you have matches my own research.

    I would be interested in contacting you regards same .

    Let me know .

    Mark Peasley

    Wednesday 23rd Mar 2016, 02:48AM

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