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Hello - I have found a record in the Nobber Catholic Records book for what I believe is my 4x great grandmother.  The record is from March 1, 1780.  It appears that all the records have an area (not sure if it is a town name) before each entry (ie: Nobber, Whitewood, College, etc).  The name before my ancestor says Corskeltagh.  Can anyone tell me where that is?

Wednesday 12th Aug 2015, 09:56PM

Message Board Replies

  • Courtney:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I searched the Co. Meath townland data base and could not find a townland with a spelling close to Corskeltagh. I also looked at the 1826 Tithe records for Nobber parish and did not see Corskeltagh. More than likely, it was a place name at one time and was combined into a different townland by 1851 when townland names were standardized..

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 13th Aug 2015, 12:14AM
  • Dear Courtney

    Following from Roger's reply - it seems it was a place in the Ardmanagh Estate and was mentioned in this book about Kells, Co. Meath

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Thursday 13th Aug 2015, 11:32AM
  • Thank you Roger and Clare!  Clare, I followed the link your interesting!  Corskeltagh does appear to be within the Ardmanagh Estate and the very first entry is for Peter Cassidy.  My 4x great grandmother was named Catherine Cassidy so...I am guessing he was of some relation due to the same name and place.  I found her birth record and it lists her parents as Mich and Catty Cassidy.  I haven't yet found more information on them.  I did find what I think might be a positive death record for Catherine Cassidy from June 11, 1854 in Kingscourt, Cavan.  That does not appear to be too far away in looking at a map (maybe I am incorrect).  I am now in search of a marriage record between Catherine Cassidy and Hugh Carroll somewhere in the general area.

    Thursday 13th Aug 2015, 07:55PM
  • hi Courtney,


    i have a CAtherine Cassidy in my tree who married a Thomas Farmer, my 5 x gg grandparents and she is listed as being born on this estate also and her parents are Michael and Catherine, wonder if we are connected?


    Friday 29th Apr 2022, 09:53AM
  • I also have a Farmer 5x great-grandfather,  James Farmer b.c.1760 m. Elizabeth Smyth, daughter Honor Farmer, son Nicholas Farmer Sr., these of Co. Meath - Clonmellon R.C. Parish.  There are quite a bit of information floating around on Nicholas Farmer.  Please keep me in mind if any of this information connects.   


    Friday 29th Apr 2022, 01:54PM
  • FARMER GRAVES:  I found some Farmer graves on Find-A-Grave in Co. Meath - Clonabreany Cemetery. Crossakeel, Co. Meath.  I have them saved in case they connect to my Farmer family. 

    Thomas Farmer 1686-1756, 

    Catherine Farmer 1751-1789

    William Farmer 1764-1787

    Catherine and William's (single) gravestone states it was erected by brother Nicholas Farmer in memory of his brother William & sister Catherine.  I'm not certain this Nicholas Farmer is my 4x great-uncle or not.  Thomas Farmer must be a grandfather as he died before their births.  


    Friday 29th Apr 2022, 02:07PM

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