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I am looking for information on my great grandfather, James Reilly, born in Crossakeel in County Meath in 1866. I believe his parents were Edward Reilly and Mary Shields, and he came to the US around 1880-1882.  I would like more information on his ancestors and siblings. His wife was also possibly born in County Meath, her name is Annie Smith and she was born in 1865. She immigrated to the US around 1885. 

James Reilly became the mayor of North Pelham, New York, despite being a blacksmith, and had a long political career. I've uploaded a NY Times article from 1906 with an interview with James Reilly after he was elected mayor.


Monday 5th Oct 2015, 03:58PM

Message Board Replies

  • Susanah:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out

    Great article!

    I checked on Roots Ireland and located the baptismla record for James and four older siblings in the Clonmellon RC parish. Looks like the family lived in Loughanbrean townland in Killallon civil parish. The children were: Rose 6/21/1857, Catherine 7/10/1859, Anne 10/20/1861, Edward 4/13/1864 and James 5/23/1866. Here is a link to the parish register for Clonmellon. You can see the actual baptismal entries.

    I did not find the marriage record.

    Let me know what questions you have.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 5th Oct 2015, 05:13PM
  • Wow! You are fast. I think the marriage record for James Reilly will be in the U.S. I am more interested in the marriage record for his parents, but I might have better luck now!  Thank you. 


    Tuesday 6th Oct 2015, 04:57AM
  • susannah,   that's my great grandfather, too !!!!!  I have that same article, which has been so informative.....  My grandfather was one of James's sons, John, who married Marie Strahle......let's join forces...I'm curious to hear about your lineage- we must be cousins?  so happy to meet you     e-mail me, please !!!!




    Tuesday 17th Apr 2018, 02:08PM

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